Lawsuit: Adjourned Steveshat v. HenryDz5 [2024] FCR 65

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Redmont School of Law
Construction & Transport Department
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Jan 7, 2024

steveshat (Represented by Dragon Law)


HenryDz5 (Shareholder of Keystone Holdings)

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

steveshat is a man who was having a good time, and tried his luck at several casino games within Keystone Holdings. He deposited over $900k, and when making his last bet before running out of gambling money, he won big: winner winner chicken dinner. To be exact, he won over 1.8 million dollars, doubling what he invested. The casino didn't like this, however, and flat-out refused to award this payout when the plaintiff requested a withdrawal. The reason? Betting limits that should have been there but weren't as a result of the defendant's negligence. The defendant offered the plaintiff a disgusting $265k, a total insult considering this results in a huge net loss. It is time to teach businesses accountability. It is time to get justice for a wronged victim of contract breach.

1. steveshat (Plaintiff)
2. Keystone Holdings (Tortfeasor)
3. HenryDz5 (Shareholder of Keystone Holdings)

1. On February 15th, 2024, steveshat deposited $969,009 into his Keystone Holdings gambling balance that could then be used to gamble, and could be withdrawn for cash at any time (Exhibit A).

2. On the same day, this money was gambled extensively with onlookers commenting on the gambling. To their shock, steveshat won $1,800,000.00 in a game of roulette (Exhibit B).

3. Keystone Holdings refused to pay out the winnings, offering to resolve the matter for a mere $265,000 under the reasoning that there was a max bet of $5,000 in place (Exhibits C and D).

4. Keystone Holdings had no posted policy of a max bet posted as of the 15th of February, 2024. Their gambling bot also did not have the feature of max betting properly configured, leading it to accept a higher bet (Exhibit E).

5. The plaintiff offered for the defendant to pay the 1.8 million dollars (and less in some offers) out overtime in a payment plan to protect their interests, but the defendant denied this request multiple times.

6. Keystone Holdings subsequently dissolved to avoid liability and distributed assets to its former shareholders (Exhibit F).

1. The casino receives actual monetary bets in return for the expectation of that money returned on a win. This constitutes a contract under the Foundation of Contract Law as it satisfies all the necessary elements, while maybe not as explicitly as other contracts.
Whether or not this legally stands, that expectation still exists and is represented by the casino's posting of odds on specific games. Representing those odds is also backing the outcome of the bet, whether a win or loss. To misrepresent these facts constitutes gambling fraud under the Commercial Standards Act. These odds were misrepresented when the casino refused to compensate the plaintiff his winnings, and thus is grounds for damages under the Legal Damages Act.

2. The two factors described in fact four combine sum up to negligence on Keystone Holdings and no reasonable assumption of any risk by the plaintiff. The plaintiff is therefore entitled to his full earnings, and the excuse of a max bet holds no legal water.

3. Keystone Holdings dissolved, leaving liability for its actions to its shareholders. The plaintiff will be using discovery to find out how much liability is attributed to each shareholder and how much money should be clawed back from each. For now, the prayer for relief comprises a total amount of money owed collectively by all of the shareholders.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. $1,800,000 in compensatory damages - the duty to mitigate was satisfied as described in fact five of this filing.

2. $50,000 in punitive damages for grossly and outrageously denying the plaintiff his winnings and having the audacity to strongarm and lowball him to a tremendous degree.

3. 5% of $1,800,000 is $90,000 and this would be the monthly interest steveshat would earn if he stored his winnings in banks that offer 5% interest such as Atreides, S-Capital, etc... Therefore, each day of not having this money loses the plaintiff $3,000 in opportunity costs. The plaintiff therefore requests $3,000 each day starting from the 16th of February 2024 until the 1.8 million dollars is finally paid to the plaintiff. At the time of this posting, that total is 51 days = $153,000.

4. $50,000 in loss of enjoyment in Redmont as $1,800,000 can buy a lot of things, things that the plaintiff cannot enjoy for as long as he is denied his winnings.

5. $50,000 in punitive damages for attempting to launder this money by dissolving and distributing it to shareholders / other parties.

6. $585,000 + 30% of the award of prayer for relief 3 in legal fees, awarded to Dragon Law Firm (a recent amendment to the Legal Damages Act increases legal fees to 30%).


1. steveshat
2. Stoppers

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 25th day of April 2024


@HenryDz5 is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of Steveshat v. HenryDz5 .

Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
HenryDz5 is hereby held in contempt, court shall be in recess pending the appointment of a Public Defender
Your Honor,

The Defendant has only just retained MikamiLaw LLC as their law firm ~2 hours ago.

We'd like to request a 24 hour extension to familiarize ourselves with the case and post a proper Answer to Complaint/ Motion to Dismiss.

Thank you for your time.

Your Honor,

The Defendant has only just retained MikamiLaw LLC as their law firm ~2 hours ago.

We'd like to request a 24 hour extension to familiarize ourselves with the case and post a proper Answer to Complaint/ Motion to Dismiss.

Thank you for your time.

I need the proof of rep for Henry not wetc
Your Honour, wetc hired our firm to defend all the shareholders, not just himself, as you can see in his message

"please attend all cases"

We'd still like the extension.
Your Honour, the defendant has reached out to us to confirm representation.


We'd like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

The defence moves that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:

Within the Commercial Standards Act, it is stated as following;

19 - Additional Rights Granted to Companies
(1) All companies will be considered to be legal entities distinct from their shareholders, board members, or management.
(a) The shareholders of a public company, and the owners of a non-public company will not be liable for any damages incurred by the business decisions of the company they hold shares or ownership in. This provision will not apply to any shareholders or owners who assume management positions in the company.

Therefore, as a distinct legal entity from the one in a business relationship with the plaintiff, the case has no standing. Even if this case can be argued to incurred damages, the defendant had not occupied a management position in the company, and was simply a shareholder.

As such, this qualifies the case under rule 5.5 - Lack of Claim. None of the claims apply to the Defendant as section 19 of the CSA has made this clear. Henrydz5 did not hold any management positions within the company, exonerating them of any liability. The defence recommends that the case be dismissed as a result as the Defendant bears no responsbiblity for the perported damages incurred by the Plaintiff.

DATED: This Second day of May, 2024.
Plaintiff has 48 hours to respond to the Motion to Dismiss
Your Honor, this motion to dismiss lacks standing. The attempt here is to utilize a lack of claim to dismiss the case, but there is a very valid and arguable claim at hand. What the defendant engaged in was fraudulent behavior. The law does not shield individuals against fraud, nor does it protect those in management positions. The law clearly states that shareholders of a public company, as well as owners of a non-public company, will not be liable for damages resulting from business decisions of the company they hold shares or ownership in. However, this provision does not extend to shareholders or owners assuming management positions within the company.

The defendant went beyond merely being a shareholder; as a board member, they actively participated in decisions affecting the company, including voting against fully paying out my client, which led to significant damages. If it were legal to make a decision not to pay someone and then dissolve to evade liability, it would set a dangerous precedent. While HenryDz5 may have been a shareholder, their actions, alongside other shareholders and board members, constituted company management. They collectively made a management decision and a business decision for the company, thus they should be held accountable for the resulting damages. Therefore, we respectfully request that you deny this motion to dismiss.

Your Honor, we would like to bring to your attention that this is a case that has been appealed and dismissed previously. According to court policy, this case cannot be dismissed with a simple motion to dismiss.
Motion to Dismissed is denied, this case has be accepted on appeal and will move forward. @Dr_Eksplosive has 24 hours to file an answer to complaint.




1. We affirm the deposit was placed. We neither affirm or deny the balance could be withdrawn at any time.
2. We affirm the plaintiff's victory. We neither affirm or deny the details stated.
3. We affirm that the full winnings was refused due to the cap.
4. We dispute the configuration of the bot not being proper.
5. We dispute the offers, there is no evidence submitted of such, nor details.
6. We dispute that the company was dissolved in order to avoid liability.

1. While it is true that this may constitute an implicit contract, the contract was a business relationship between the company and the plaintiff. Shareholders are protected from such situations, by the fact that they are a distinct legal entity. There is no reason why the dissolution of the company would remove such a protection.
2. It remains to be proven whether the bot limit malfunctioned or whether it was not in place.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 5th day of May, 2024.
Last edited:

Your Honour, it has come to my attention that I have mistyped the date of the submission, erroneously submitting it as submitted on 2/5/2024 when it is meant to be on 5/5/2024. Permission to rectify this error?

Your Honour, it has come to my attention that I have mistyped the date of the submission, erroneously submitting it as submitted on 2/5/2024 when it is meant to be on 5/5/2024. Permission to rectify this error?
We will now move into a 7 day discovery period

1. What percentage of Keystone Holdings did HenryDz5 possess at the time of its dissolution?
@Dr_Eksplosive you are required to answer the above question

Discovery has now ended, plaintiff has 72 hours to deliver opining statements
@Dr_Eksplosive Is hereby held in Contempt of Court, i hereby order the DHS to fine/jail them accordingly.
Your Honor, I apologize for the delayed response. I missed the earlier message and only just saw the one above. May we request an additional 24 hours?
Your Honor, I apologize for the delayed response. I missed the earlier message and only just saw the one above. May we request an additional 24 hours?

12 Hours granted as that post was made 24 Hours ago
Your Honor, I would just like to notify the court that as I step down from Dragon Law, this case is now being handled by Avaneesh2008 from Dragon Law.
@Avaneesh2008 is hereby held I contempt, I hereby order the DHS to Fine/Jail accordingly.

Defendant has 72 hours to post their opening statement.
Your Honour,

The Prosecution's entire argument hinges on speculation. Their claims can be refuted easily in quick succession:

A) The bot did not have a limit in place. While it can be said that the Defendant may have falsified evidence proving this in a previous trial, the Prosecution has failed to prove that the bot limit did not malfunction or that it wasn't in place. As burden of proof is upon the Prosecution, this entails that the bot limit may have been in place and malfunctioned.

B) As the bot limit was in place, the Plaintiff did not have the legal right to the money they won, and thus the Defendant did not intentionally shortchange the Plaintiff as they were informed that the bot limit had functioned improperly to allow an invalid bet. In this scenario, the winnings would have been entirely invalidated, however the Defendant was willing to pay some reparations due to the purported loss the Plaintiff suffered.

C) Suggesting that the Defendant voted to dissolve the company to evade liability without proving any evidence whatsoever is a gross exaggeration and speculation that the Prosecution has undertaken. Having failed to provide any evidence supporting this blatant lie, the claim is entirely invalid.

As such, the Plaintiff's claims against the Defendant hold no water whatsoever, as they have failed to provide any evidence to back up the claims that the bot did not have a limit, and that the Defendant intentionally voted to dissolve the company in an attempt to dissolve the company. Burden of Proof is upon the Prosecution, and they have failed to submit any evidence to substantiate these claims.

While this case cannot be dismissed as it was appealed, the Defense strongly recommends the court to dismiss all claims for relief that the Plaintiff has levied against the Defendant as they are little more than substantiation and assumption. All this case does is waste the time of the court and the Defendant while seeking to besmirch their name.

In response to the interrogatory, as our client only just responded, the Defendant possessed 200 shares of Keystone Holdings, a negligible amount in comparison to other shareholders.

Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your patience, @Avaneesh2008 will you still be calling Stoppers and steveshat as witnesses please let the court know within 48 Hours
We wish to only call Steveshat to the stand.
We will now move to closing statements, plaintiff has 72 hours
I will be taking over as legal counsel on this case as part of Dragon Law.
We will now move to closing statements, plaintiff has 72 hours
Your honor, due to the fact that I have just recently acquired this case and that I am handling multiple at the moment, I respectfully request a 48 hour extension.
Your honor, due to the fact that I have just recently acquired this case and that I am handling multiple at the moment, I respectfully request a 48 hour extension.

Your Honor, esteemed members of the court,

This case is quite clear-cut. The defense alleges the existence of a maximum bet limit and a cap on the bot. However, there is no supporting evidence for this claim. Exhibit E unequivocally shows the absence of any notification regarding a maximum bet, and Exhibit B shows that the bot didn't have a maximum bet.

According to the Contracts Act, a valid contract must satisfy the elements of offer, acceptance, consideration, intent, and capacity. In this instance, my client was not informed of any maximum bet, which means there was no acceptance of those terms and no intent to enter into such a contract.

Let’s review the key points:
  1. My client deposited $969,009 into his Keystone Holdings gambling account.
  2. There was no notification of a maximum bet, neither on the notice board nor on the bot.
  3. My client legally placed a bet and won $1,800,000.
  4. Keystone Holdings refused to pay my client's winnings, citing a breach of an invalid contract.
These facts are straightforward and undeniable. Keystone Holdings' refusal to pay is based on an invalid contract due to the absence of proper notification and acceptance of terms. The dissolution of Keystone Holdings further indicates an implicit admission of fault.

My client, a legitimate participant, lawfully won $1,800,000 and has been wrongfully denied this amount. Consequently, he has lost potential interest earnings of 5%.

While the opposing counsel might argue that, according to the Commercial Standards Act, shareholders are not responsible for the company's debts, I remind the court that it holds the power to interpret the law. Given that the company owes my client $1,800,000 and has been dissolved, and that the money has been distributed throughout the shareholders, the shareholders should bear this responsibility.

In conclusion, my client has acted within the law and deserves his winnings. I respectfully ask the court to rule in favor of my client and order Keystone Holdings shareholder HenryDz5 to pay the $1,800,000 owed, along with the lost interest, loss of enjoyment, and punitive damages for the defendant's reprehensible actions.

Thank you, Your Honor.
Defense has 72 Hours to submit their closing statement
@Dr_Eksplosive Is hereby held in Contempt of Court, i order the DHS to fine/jail accordingly. We will now be in recess pending a verdict.



Steveshat v. HenryDz5 [2024] FCR 65

1. Steveshat won $1,800,000 from a game of Roulette in the Keystone Holdings Casino,
2. Keystone Holdings refused to pay the full 1.8 Million because they claimed the max bet was $5,000.
3. Keystone Holdings Liquidated and divvied out assets to the Shareholders.
4. Liability falls to the shareholders after they company dissolved.

1. There was a bot limit in place and the plaintiff had no legal right to the winnings.
2. As a shareholder, they did not hold a management position so they can not be held liable under the Commercial Standers Act.

1. The Commercial Standards act says "
19 - Additional Rights Granted to Companies
(1) All companies will be considered to be legal entities distinct from their shareholders, board members, or management.
(a) The shareholders of a public company, and the owners of a non-public company will not be liable for any damages incurred by the business decisions of the company they hold shares or ownership in. This provision will not apply to any shareholders or owners who assume management positions in the company."
This outlines that Shareholders of a public company do not liable for any damages incurred by the business decisions of the company, even if they hold shares in the company unless they assume management positions within the company.
2. Now we need to define what a management position is. Well now we need to turn to the Oxford Dictionary which says "Organization, supervision, or direction; the application of skill or care in the manipulation, use, treatment, or control (of a thing or person)" Now when it comes to vanguard they made a management decision, but don't hold a position that makes them constantly running or controlling a business. So we have now established that they do not hold a management position and can not be Liable.
3. There was no evidence that there was a bot limit in place provided by the defense, therefore we can not reasonably assume that there was one in place.

1. The Federal Court hereby rules in favor of the Defense.

The Federal Court thanks all involved.

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