Act of Congress Tenant Rights Act


Former President
Commerce Department
1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle
Jun 15, 2020

Protect the Rights of Tenants​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Tenant Rights Act”
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Purpose
(1) As of currently tenants renting an apartment, store, chestshop, or any other rental space, have no legal rights.

3 - Private Renting
When a player is renting from a private landlord, they are entitled to the rights listed in this section:
(1) Tenants must be given 24 hours notice from the landlord before they are evicted from a rental region, excluding a report made by a building inspector or if the tenant has been permanently banned/deported.
(2) Tenants must be given a full refund of the rent they have pre-paid if evicted. unless the tenant has been permanently banned/deported.
(3) Landlords must give the tenant a 12 hour notice prior to entry in their region. This does not apply to a region with chestshops, an inactive tenant, a permanently banned/deported tenant, or if the tenant provides written permission of entry to the landlord.
(4) Landlords may not place security cameras anywhere inside a tenant's rented property without the tenant's consent.

4 - Public Renting
When a player is renting from the Government, they are entitled to the rights listed in this section:
(1) Tenants must be given 48 hours notice from the Government before they are evicted from a rental region, excluding a report made by a building inspector.
(2) Tenants must be given a full refund of the rent they have pre-paid if evicted.

5 - Business Establishments
(1) Landlords may be required to compensate the tenant for the cost of moving their operations, if the rented region was:
(a) The main operation of a registered business,
(b) The main operation of a group, party, or organization otherwise.

6 - Legal Addition
(1) Added to “7.0 Landlords”
Wrongful Eviction
Evicting a tenant without reasonable notice or refund
Per Offence: Up to $2000 + Rental Fees Refunded, which may be disputed in court.

Landlord Trespassing
Landlord entering a tenant’s rental region without reasonable prior notice. The rental region containing chestshops, an inactive tenant, or written permission of entry to the landlord by the tenant prevents the enforcement of this law.
Per Offence: $250 + Any changes to the rental region by the landlord are reverted.
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Aye - We need to help our little businesses, and this bill is definetly needed.
This bill is hereby granted assent and is signed into law.​
House Vote: 11-0-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Defend Tenant Rights

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Even More Tenant Vibes Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Bill was authored by Rep. Mhadsher101 and Senator Milqy
(4) This Bill has been co-sponsored by RelaxedGV

2 - Reasons
(1) The current notice from a landlord that the tenant is being evicted is insufficient.
(2) A tenant should be given notice before their rental region is entered by their landlord.
(2) This bill rephrases the somewhat messy Tenant Vibes Act.

3 - Amendments of Tenant Rights Act
3 - Private Renting
When a player is renting from a private landlord, they are entitled to the rights listed in this section:
(1) Tenants must be given 24 hours notice from the landlord before they are evicted from a rental region, excluding a report made by a building inspector.
(2) Tenants must be given a full refund of the rent they have pre-paid if evicted.

3 - Private Renting
When a player is renting from a private landlord, they are entitled to the rights listed in this section:
(1) Tenants must be given 48 hours notice from the landlord before they are evicted from a rental region, excluding a report made by a building inspector.
(2) Tenants must be given a full refund of the rent they have pre-paid if evicted.
(3) Landlords must give the tenant a 12 hour notice prior to entry in their region. This does not apply to a region with chestshops, an inactive tenant, or if the tenant provides written permission of entry to the landlord.

6 - Legal Addition
(1) Added to “7.0 Landlords”
Wrongful Eviction
Evicting a tenant without reasonable notice or refund
Per Offence: Up to $5000 + Rental Fees Refunded, which may be disputed in court.

6 - Legal Addition
(1) Added to “7.0 Landlords”

Wrongful Eviction
Evicting a tenant without reasonable notice or refund
Per Offence: Up to $2000 + Rental Fees Refunded, which may be disputed in court.

Landlord Trespassing
Landlord entering a tenant’s rental region without reasonable prior notice. The rental region containing chestshops, an inactive tenant, or written permission of entry to the landlord by the tenant prevents the enforcement of this law.
Per Offence: $250 + Any changes to the rental region by the landlord are reverted.

4 - The Tenant Vibes Act is rescinded
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 6-0-0
Senate Vote: 4-0-0
Amend the Tenant Rights Act​

The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
  1. This Act may be cited as the “Tenant Rights Act Amendment.”
  2. This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
  3. This Bill was authored by Representative ElainaThomas29 and co-sponsored by Senator Avelanie.

2 - Reasons
  1. Currently, a notice must be given to all tenants prior to eviction, including those tenants who have been permanently banned/deported.

3 – Terms
  1. Changes
    1. 3 - Private Renting
    2. When a player is renting from a private landlord, they are entitled to the rights listed in this section:
    3. (1) Tenants must be given 48 hours notice from the landlord before they are evicted from a rental region, excluding a report made by a building inspector.
    4. (2) Tenants must be given a full refund of the rent they have pre-paid if evicted.
    5. (3) Landlords must give the tenant a 12 hour notice prior to entry in their region. This does not apply to a region with chestshops, an inactive tenant, or if the tenant provides written permission of entry to the landlord.
  2. To
    1. 3 - Private Renting
    2. When a player is renting from a private landlord, they are entitled to the rights listed in this section:
    3. (1) Tenants must be given 48 hours notice from the landlord before they are evicted from a rental region, excluding a report made by a building inspector or if the tenant has been permanently banned/deported.
    4. (2) Tenants must be given a full refund of the rent they have pre-paid if evicted, unless the tenant has been permanently banned/deported.
    5. (3) Landlords must give the tenant a 12 hour notice prior to entry in their region. This does not apply to a region with chestshops, an inactive tenant, a permanently banned/deported tenant, or if the tenant provides written permission of entry to the landlord.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House: 8-0-0
Senate: 4-3-0 (VP Tiebreaker)


Extend Tenant Rights​
The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Tenant Rights Amendment Act'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Rep. itsBlazeX
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Rep. Galavance

2 - Reasons
(1) Currently, there is nothing stopping Landlords from placing Security Cameras inside of a tenant's rented property without the tenant's permission. This an obviously a violation of a tenant's right to privacy.

3 - Amendments
1. Changes
  1. 3 - Private Renting
  2. When a player is renting from a private landlord, they are entitled to the rights listed in this section:
  3. (1) Tenants must be given 48 hours notice from the landlord before they are evicted from a rental region, excluding a report made by a building inspector or if the tenant has been permanently banned/deported.
  4. (2) Tenants must be given a full refund of the rent they have pre-paid if evicted, unless the tenant has been permanently banned/deported.
  5. (3) Landlords must give the tenant a 12 hour notice prior to entry in their region. This does not apply to a region with chestshops, an inactive tenant, a permanently banned/deported tenant, or if the tenant provides written permission of entry to the landlord.
2. To
  1. 3 - Private Renting
  2. When a player is renting from a private landlord, they are entitled to the rights listed in this section:
  3. (1) Tenants must be given 48 hours notice from the landlord before they are evicted from a rental region, excluding a report made by a building inspector or if the tenant has been permanently banned/deported.
  4. (2) Tenants must be given a full refund of the rent they have pre-paid if evicted, unless the tenant has been permanently banned/deported.
  5. (3) Landlords must give the tenant a 12 hour notice prior to entry in their region. This does not apply to a region with chestshops, an inactive tenant, a permanently banned/deported tenant, or if the tenant provides written permission of entry to the landlord.
  6. (4) Landlords may not place security cameras anywhere inside a tenant's rented property without the tenant's consent.
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In a vote of 3-3, the Vice President has informed me of their intention to cast their vote in favour of this bill.

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
