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In witness statements, it is confirmed that the defendant reached out to a variety of people: CrackedAmoeba, ReaperRay, and FlyingBlocks were all asked to help with major roles while Nacho, LouderLeo, Rurge, and Dakman were offered to do smaller parts of the project. So it wasn’t just the defendant working by himself to gain money, it was an offered position made to a variety of well-known builders.1. Not even the Head of Urban Development was involved in the final decision of who would do this construction work for Urban Development. Galavance made the decision to hire their self, and abuse their authority to use public funds for their own self interest.
Yes, Galavance did work, but ultimately Galavance made the decision to hire their self to get paid for the work. This is not a legal work-around the Corruption law. This is not a successful way to get around Embezzlement. This is Corruption. This is Embezzlement.
Again, we assert that wages for the government are controlled by the Wages Act (see Act of Congress - Wages Act). The law states "The Executive will maintain a guide on forums called 'Government Pay' that will list Government pay levels and their associated occupations." Yet, when you take a look at the Government Pay guide and see how the pay levels are organized: Mayors, Deputy Mayors, and Town Councils are entirely unincluded on the guide. Since the law states "The Executive will maintain (emphasis added by me) a guide on forums called 'Government Pay' that will list Government pay levels'' and Mayors, Deputy Mayors, and Town Councils are not listed, it is safe to assume that they do not fall under any pay level set by the Wages Act (see Guide - Government Pay). In further support to this argument, when someone who holds the position of either Mayor, Deputy Mayor, or sits on a Town Council, they receive pay based on the highest pay level that their normal position has. Such as a Mayor is a rep getting $35 an hour or a police officer who is a town council member getting $25 an hour. It is fair to conclude that the pay for town positions are entirely uncontrolled by both the Federal Government currently and could be set by the town if they so wanted.2. We also point to the legal understanding that Towns are extensions of the Executive (see Financial Standards Act:
“(1) No non-government agency, department or, entity will be fully or partially exempt from paying tax.
(a) Towns are an extension of the Executive and are protected by this clause.” (emphasis added))
Thus, town positions are part of the Federal Government, and thus, if they were to be paid, it would be clear in the Government Pay Guide according to the Wages Act.
This is a misinterpretation of the Executive Order. The Executive Order clearly states “Towns can create by-laws. By-laws are an extension of Executive jurisdiction - or the absence of Federal Legislation (Emphasis added) - that is delegated to local jurisdictions for the purposes of implementing and enforcing regulations within their specified jurisdiction”. Bylaws do not have to fit within a mold listed by the EO. Where the Wages Act clearly states.”The Executive will maintain a guide on forums called 'Government Pay' that will list Government pay levels and their associated occupations” showing that “maintaining a guide” creates an exhaustive list, this EO states that the “absence of Federal Legislation” allows for bylaws to fit any context that is not already covered by Federal Law, thus creating a non-exhaustive list.3. Finally, the former Mayor claimed that "There is no requirement to do so" when asked why the payment did not appear within the By-Laws on the Forums.
This is not true, as seen in the Town Revisions Executive Order (most recently EO 19/23 - previously EO 2/23 with similar stipulations):
"Towns can create by-laws. By-laws are an extension of Executive jurisdiction - or the absence of Federal Legislation - that is delegated to local jurisdictions for the purposes of implementing and enforcing regulations within their specified jurisdiction.
- Build height limits. (No more than 40 blocks high, no exceptions) (Enforced by the DCT).
- Plot zoning (Enforced by the DCT)
- Local elections + Council formation (if any) (All local elections are actioned by the DOS)
- Plot Pricing (actioned by staff)
- Town Constitution (enforced by the town government in coordination with Federal Departments)
- Town building regulations (facilitated by town government)
- Transportation within towns (facilitated by town government)
- Plot evictions within town jurisdiction (facilitated by town government, actioned by the DCT)
- In the event that any Town legislation contradicts any Federal legislation, the Federal legislation shall apply within the jurisdiction of the Town, unless such legislation expressly the jurisdiction. Any Federal code which is not an Act of Congress, an Executive Order, or within the Constitution, such as department policy, does not take precedence over Town legislation."
Your honor, the Commonwealth believes that this order is clear: Towns can create by-laws. This is the only legislating power that is delegated to local jurisdictions. Any other form of legislation is illegal and intentionally creating such legislation (the bill in which Galavance paid their self $85,000) and enforcing it (actually paying their self $85,000) is Corruption.
We believe that, seeing as Galavance did not believe it was important for it to be put up with the by-laws, as well as its lack of appearing within the passed bills channel, it is clear that this was an illegal act of Corruption.
The answer that “There is no requirement to do so” focuses solely on whether or not the defendant needed to post the payment in “Passed Bills”. There is no requirement in either the Bylaws or the Town Constitution on how and where to organize passed bylaws. Further, the prosecution’s own EO that they posted also does not have a specified location on where enacted bylaws should be placed. So the defense finds it disingenuous that the prosecution argues these words out of context.1. If not all passed bills go into "Passed Bills" then what is the purpose of that channel?
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Galavance [2023] FCR 59
1. Galavance used town money to pay themselves $85,000
2. Galavance was not allowed to pay himself because mayors are part of the federal government and federal government pay is regulated by the government wages act in which mayors are not included.
3. The Oakridge town council did not have the authority to distribute funds, unlike the other towns which have a special section added to their constitution. Therefore this should be regulated through the DOS.
4. Galavance abused his authority as a mayor to appoint himself a builder and pay himself a large amount of money.
1. On the matter of town and payment, a lack of inclusion in the explicit pay guide means their pay is discretionary.
2. Galavance's role as a builder was legitimized through the town council.
3. Corruption requires some benefit inconsistent with official duty. Galavance's actions were consistent with official duty.
4. The broad legislative powers of the Oakridge constitution authorise the town to spend money.
After a careful review of the evidence, the facts, the arguments provided, past precedent and the contract law the following decision has been made: