Alexander P. Love
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Case Filing
The People of the Commonwealth of Redmont through The Department of Justice
The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:
On December 26th, 2024, ko531, a known serial killer and terrorist with a lengthy criminal record, decided to strike again at none other than the Vice President of Redmont, lcn. In a devastating and terrifying moment, the Vice President was backed against a wall with no where to go, held at gun point, verbally threatened, mugged for money, and then shot when he would not give up his hard-earned cash. ko531, the perpetrator, must be held responsible for his heinous crimes before he strikes fear into more citizens and pilfers their wallets too.
1. ko531 (Perpetrator)
2. lcn (Victim and Witness)
3. bigpappa140 (Potential Witness)
4. MysticPhunky (Potential Witness)
1. On December 26th, 2024, lcn was enjoying his day at a UFC arena.
2. ko531 pointed a ranged weapon that was locked and loaded at lcn, with the implicit and explicit threat of discharging the weapon at the victim to kill him.
3. The threats demanded that lcn hand over money to ko531 or incur death.
4. ko531 carried out his threats and killed lcn when lcn refused to comply with the mugging.
The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant, with the respective statutes linked:
1. One count of Harassment, Alarm, and Distress (Violent Offenses Act) - The perpetrator has caused alarm and distress in a terrifying moment to the Vice President, who was otherwise enjoying his day. By holding him at gunpoint and threatening him, the victim was scared for his life and both alarmed and distressed under the legal definition of the offense.
2. One count of Hostage Holding (Violent Offenses Act) - The victim was backed against a wall and had nowhere to go that would not reasonably risk being shot dead. This meets the legal definition of hostage holding.
3. One count of Conspiracy to Commit Extortion (Accomplice and Conspiracy Offenses Act and Commercial Standards Act) - The perpetrator attempted to use force and threats to obtain something of value from the victim, which meets the legal definition for conspiracy to commit extortion per the two cited acts of Congress.
The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. For Harassment, Alarm, and Distress, we request the maximum penalty of a $10,000 fine and 60 minutes in prison for the crime is heinous, the victim is high-profile, and the perpetrator is a repeat offender.
2. For Hostage Holding, we request the maximum and minimum penalty of a $100 fine and 10 minutes in prison for the crime is heinous, the victim is high-profile, and the perpetrator is a repeat offender.
3. For Conspiracy to Commit Extortion, we request the maximum penalty of a $25,000 fine and 120 minutes in prison for the crime is heinous, the victim is high-profile, and the perpetrator is a repeat offender. We request that the penalty be diminished to no less than $10,000 and 60 minutes in jail for the crime of extortion is a $10,000 penalty, the crime ko531 attempted to commit and would have been successful at committing if not for the brave actions of the victim. The assailant's willingness to follow through on his threats shows his criminal malice, so no small fine will reform this particular offender.
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This 31st day of December, 2024