Lawsuit: Dismissed The Commonwealth of Redmont v. LilLethalVert [2023] FCR 86

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Alexander P. Love

Justice Department
Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle Statesman Order of Redmont
Jun 2, 2021

The Commonwealth of Redmont



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

The Department of Construction and Transportation is conducting an urban renewal project, of which the defendant's current property (C271) is obstructing its progress. The DCT, on October 1st, offered a more than fair deal to the defendant which was rejected profusely. The Commonwealth now seeks eminent domain against the property.

1. LilLethalVert (Defendant)
2. The Department of Construction via the Commonwealth of Redmont (Plaintiff)

1. The property C271 is obstructing an urban renewal project.
2. C271 is worth $4,192.50 according to the sellback amount listed.
3. The defendant was offered $7,000 in exchange for the property, a very generous offer, but the offer was refused.
4. The defendant was also afforded the opportunity to have any structures on C271 pasted to a new property.

1. Pursuant to the Reveille Eminent Domain Act (link), property may be seized under eminent domain if "the property obstructs the development of urban renewal or infrastructure projects". As stated earlier, the DCT is conducting an urban renewal project of which C271 is obstructing. Eminent domain is therefore justified and legal in this situation. The act also states that "The Department of Construction & Transportation may acquire privately owned property for public works programs, necessary infrastructure, and urban renewal initiatives." This further supports and buttresses the argument made under this claim for relief.
2. According to the same law, the DCT is required to "negotiate with the property owner and make a fair offer for the property" which was fulfilled. The offer was almost 60% more than the value of the property, which is more than fair. That extra 60% accounts for any inconvenience incurred.
3. Any structures on the property should not be assessed in the value as the defendant had the chance to have their structures moved to a new property free of charge. The $7,000 offer was more than enough to seek a new property that could house the structures on the old property, so this factor should not be taken into account when the defendant argues it either.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. The seizure of C271 from the defendant to the plaintiff.
2. $4,192.50 to be compensated from the plaintiff to the defendant.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 15th day of October 2023

@Lethal is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of the The Commonwealth of Redmont v. LilLethalVert [2023] FCR 86. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment based on the known facts of the case.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​

Commonwealth of Redmont


LilLeathalVert (The Redmont Law Firm Representing)

Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:

1. The Commonwealth has stated that the plot is only worth $4192.50, this is false. The plot is worth $8385, the plot sell back value is 50% of the value of the plot, not the actual value of the plot. The Commonwealth has not offered my client a fair or reasonable deal no matter how they try to paint this fact.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

(The words defendant and complaint should be changed in case the motion is to dismiss a counterclaim.)

DATED: This 17th day of October 2023
The Prosecution may respond to the Motion to Dismiss within 48 hours.
The Prosecution may respond to the Motion to Dismiss within 48 hours.
Your honor, this is an argument and not a valid motion to dismiss. This motion disputes a fact of the case and does not affect the standing or merit of it.

I motion to charge the defense with contempt of court for making a motion to dismiss that is so transparently invalid and an attempt to score a free counterargument. It also serves to waste the Court's time.
The Motion to Dismiss is overruled as it is a Defense and not a valid reason to dismiss a case.

Sumo, in the future please allege frivolity or another valid reason for dismissal if you file a Motion to Dismiss.

The Defendant may provide an actual Answer to Complaint within 24 hours if they wish to do so.
The Defendant has not provided an additional Answer to Complaint. The Plaintiff may now present their Opening Statement within 72 hours.
May it please the Court,

Your honor, opposing counsel, ladies and gentlemen (and others) gathered here today, this is a case of stubbornness for shakedown. LilLethalVert is attempting to be stubborn in a grossly transparent effort to shakedown the Commonwealth, and by extension, its people who pay taxes, for money. The law is clear in the matter. The Commonwealth has the right to seize the property for the purposes of urban development. People who sellback their properties receive the amount that I listed above. In the government's eyes, this is the worth of the property. Additionally, the Commonwealth has generously offered the defendant the free transfer of structures to another plot the defendant owns. Structures and belongings are seemlessly moved in this process. The defendant, however, chooses to be stubborn over the land itself. LilLethalVert wants to hold back an urban renewal project that benefits the residents of the city. LilLethalVert additionally wants to shakedown tax payers in an act of greed.

The Commonwealth will now be submitting another exhibit into evidence:
View attachment 38158

In this image, you can see the planning of the project on the right. Near the left, in the grassy area, only one property remains after everyone else did the right thing: LilLethalVert's. Urban renewal benefits the City of Reveille in numerous ways including keeping property values stable, introducing new necessary functionality to the city, reducing the city's carbon footprint, and beautifying the landscape for all to appreciate. But LilLethalVert chooses to single-handedly deny the citizens these benefits in a fit of greed. After negotiations in good faith, the defendant continually refuses to accept a perfectly reasonable offer exceeding the sellback price AS WELL as a free WorldEdit pasting. This service is normally rather pricy so it should be taken into account.

The Commonwealth asks the Court to accept our prayers for relief and halt this shakedown attempt against the good people of Redmont immediately.

The attachment failed ^^
Thank you. The Defense now has 72 hours to provide an Opening Statement.
Your Honor,
The Redmont Law Firm has closed and with that all cases have been dropped due to irl and in game reasons. I asked that this court grant LilLeathalVert the time to find new representation or work out a deal with the commonwealth.
Your Honor,
The Redmont Law Firm has closed and with that all cases have been dropped due to irl and in game reasons. I asked that this court grant LilLeathalVert the time to find new representation or work out a deal with the commonwealth.
In light of this, @Lethal has 72 hours from now to find new representation and post their Opening Statement.
@Lethal (LilLethalVert) has failed to provide an Opening Statement.

The Federal Court hereby charges LilLethalVert with Contempt of Court, and orders the Department of Justice to fine/jail them appropriately.
We will now move on to witness testimony. Both parties have 72 hours to provide a list of witnesses, or declare they have none.
We will now move on to witness testimony. Both parties have 72 hours to provide a list of witnesses, or declare they have none.
The Plaintiff calls Secretary of Construction Nacholebraa to the stand to testify about the necessity of the eminent domain.
The Plaintiff calls Secretary of Construction Nacholebraa to the stand to testify about the necessity of the eminent domain.
This case isn't about whether or not eminent domain is needed. It is whether or not it is legal, and if it is, what the other party is entitled to.

Why is Nacho's testimony required?
This case isn't about whether or not eminent domain is needed. It is whether or not it is legal, and if it is, what the other party is entitled to.

Why is Nacho's testimony required?
Your honor, necessity / purpose is an element required to establish the legality of an instance of eminent domain pursuant to the Reveille Eminent Domain Act (link), section 6, clause 1 and section 4, clause 1.
Your honor, necessity / purpose is an element required to establish the legality of an instance of eminent domain pursuant to the Reveille Eminent Domain Act (link), section 6, clause 1 and section 4, clause 1.
Very well.

This also serves as a reminder to the Defense to respond with a list of witnesses or declare they have none before the deadline.
Very well.

This also serves as a reminder to the Defense to respond with a list of witnesses or declare they have none before the deadline.
Your honor, the defense has well exceeded the deadline.


@Nacho is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of The Commonwealth of Redmont v. LilLethalVert [2023] FCR 86 as a witness.

Please familiarize yourself with the case as it stands at present. You will receive questions and may also be cross-examined.

I ask that all questions be provided to witnesses in a single post. If some questions need to be withheld as they depend on answers given to earlier questions, that is also considered reasonable. Once the witness has declared themselves present, the Plaintiff may resume with questions to their witnesses.

I am hereby informing each witness to ensure they are aware of the provisions of the law of perjury and its severity. Giving knowingly false testimony is highly illegal. Witnesses are required to tell the truth in their testimonies, subject to the penalties of perjury.

The Witness is to identify themselves in this case thread in the next 72 hours. Failure to comply with this summons may result in being held in Contempt of Court.​
I am present, your honor.
The Plaintiff may begin their examination. Please inform the court when there are no more follow-up questions.

A 72-hour deadline applies.
The deadline has expired.

The Federal Court hereby finds the Department of Legal Affairs in Contempt of Court, and orders the Department of Justice to fine DCGovernmentDLA appropriately.

The Defense now has 72 hours to cross-examine the witness, or declare they do not wish to do so.
The Plaintiff may begin their examination. Please inform the court when there are no more follow-up questions.

A 72-hour deadline applies.
Your honor, I never received this message I think due to the close proximity to it being sent to when the witness announced they were present. I checked this thread right before you posted so I never got a notification. I have the following questions available, and ask the court to allow their admission. It would be unfair for one side to examine a witness if the other side does not get to. If these questions are not admitted, I motion for the witness to be dismissed.

  • Describe the urban development project that is currently being done.
  • Is LilLethalVert's plot obstructing this project?
  • How will the urban development project add value in a way that supersedes LilLethalVert's claim on his property?
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Your honor, I never received this message I think due to the close proximity to it being sent to when the witness announced they were present. I checked this thread right before you posted so I never got a notification. I have the following questions available, and ask the court to allow their admission. It would be unfair for one side to examine a witness if the other side does not get to. If these questions are not admitted, I motion for the witness to be dismissed.

  • Describe the urban development project that is currently being done.
  • Is LilLethalVert's plot obstructing this project?
  • How will the urban development project add value in a way that supersedes LilLethalVert's claim on his property?
These questions are struck. The case is fair. You failed to ask your questions in time, wasting the Defendant's time, the Witness's time, and the Court's time.

This is not an unfair treatment. It is your failure to respond. When the Defense fails to respond, they too are skipped.
Your honor, I never received this message I think due to the close proximity to it being sent to when the witness announced they were present. I checked this thread right before you posted so I never got a notification. I have the following questions available, and ask the court to allow their admission. It would be unfair for one side to examine a witness if the other side does not get to. If these questions are not admitted, I motion for the witness to be dismissed.

  • Describe the urban development project that is currently being done.
  • Is LilLethalVert's plot obstructing this project?
  • How will the urban development project add value in a way that supersedes LilLethalVert's claim on his property?
If you have a motion or objection, please use the proper format.
Once the witness has declared themselves present, the Plaintiff may resume with questions to their witnesses.
Not to mention that I said once the witness appears, you can begin questioning.

A reminder to all parties to  thoroughly read all messages.
Motion to Nolle Prosequi

The plot in question has been evicted due to owner activity, so this case does not need to proceed.

DATED: This 6th day of November, 2023
Case dismissed at the request of the Plaintiff.
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