Lawsuit: Adjourned The Commonwealth of Redmont v. WackJap [2024] FCR 80

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Redmont School of Law
Construction & Transport Department
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Jan 7, 2024

The Commonwealth of Redmont requests that the court freeze $50,000 of the defendant WackJap's finances during this trial. This measure is crucial to prevent further harm, specifically the misuse of taxpayer money that the defendant admitted to embezzling. By freezing these assets, we aim to safeguard public funds and ensure they are not depleted or misappropriated further. The Commonwealth is providing proof of the embezzlement amount below.


The Commonwealth of Redmont



The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:

On June 1st, 2024, the defendant, Secretary WackJap of the Department of Education, made a payment of $50,000 to himself from the DOE account. Following inquiries from members of Congress regarding the nature of the funds, the defendant stated during communication that they were intended for "Retirement and drugs." Allegations of embezzlement surfaced after a user named crytiee posted an image of the official DOE discord, suggesting misuse of funds. This prompted the Department of Justice to initiate a formal investigation. During an official interview conducted by the RBI, the defendant confessed to the embezzlement, admitting to utilizing his position to unlawfully appropriate funds from the Redmont people. The defendant's deception extended to defrauding Congress by falsely claiming the funds were intended for retirement purposes.

  1. The Commonwealth of Redmont
  2. WackJap


1. On June 1st, 2024, the defendant made a payment of $50,000 to himself from the Department of Education (DOE) account.

2. Members of Congress queried the defendant about the purpose of the funds. The defendant provided contradictory responses, claiming they were for "Retirement" and "drugs".

3. A screenshot shared by Crytiee from the DOE discord showed the defendant referring to the payment as "embezzlement".

4. The Department of Justice (DOJ) launched an investigation, during which the defendant admitted to embezzling the funds.

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:

1. Embezzlement: The Prosecution contends that the Defendant confessed to appropriating official DOE funds for personal use during an official RBI interrogation. The Defendant, acting as the DOE secretary, paid himself $50,000 without adequate justification.

2. Corruption: The Prosecution further asserts that the Defendant, in his capacity as the DOE secretary, abused his position by engaging in actions outside of his official duties. By paying himself $50,000 without valid cause and confessing to embezzlement, the Defendant sought to gain an unfair advantage.

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:

1. Restitution: The Commonwealth seeks the return of the $50,000 misappropriated by the Defendant.

2. Embezzlement: The Commonwealth requests restitution of $10,000 and a 10-minute jail term for the offense.

3. Corruption: For the charge of corruption, the Commonwealth seeks payment of the full $25,000 in fines and a two-month exclusion from holding public office.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 3rd day of June 🌈🏳️‍🌈 2024



@WackJap is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of Commonwealth of Redmont v. WackJap.

Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Information - Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​

The Commonwealth of Redmont requests that the court freeze $50,000 of the defendant WackJap's finances during this trial. This measure is crucial to prevent further harm, specifically the misuse of taxpayer money that the defendant admitted to embezzling. By freezing these assets, we aim to safeguard public funds and ensure they are not depleted or misappropriated further. The Commonwealth is providing proof of the embezzlement amount below.

This Emergency Injunction will be granted and the DHS is to seize the 50k for the duration of the case.
Your Honor, I will be taking this case on behalf of WackJap. I will be filing a response within 5 hours.

Apologies for my late response, I've been smoking crack with my homeless buddies in Fulton Alley for the past week. That stuff was premium, and I couldn't waste it, shit costed like $50K.

Commonwealth of Redmont


WackJap (Represented by FrumpyLake)

1. The Defense affirms WackJap embezzled funds from the DOE account. The Defense does not affirm that WackJap is a corrupt official.

1. For the defendant to be corrupt, he would not have put the term "embezzlement" in the DOE account logs, as seen in Exhibit B of Unseatedduke1's evidence catalog. The mere fact that he did proves that he did not expect to get away with this, leading to the conclusion that he fully expected to be called out and have to pay the funds back. This in no way shows that the defendant is corrupt; therefore, the Defense would like to plead insanity for the prosecution, as they do not seem to have an accurate view of ✨reality✨.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 6th day of June 2024
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Your Honor, I will be taking this case on behalf of WackJap. I will be filing a response within 5 hours.

Apologies for my late response, I've been smoking crack with my homeless buddies in Fulton Alley for the past week. That stuff was premium, and I couldn't waste it, shit costed like $50K.

Professionalism will be maintained within my courtroom, I certainly could care less about that entire second paragraph.

You will need to provide proof of representation within 12 hours or you both with be held in contempt.
We will now move into a 7 Day Discovery period. Should both sides agree, discovery can be ended early.

During this time any evidence or witnesses need to be asked/submitted. We will not be allowing new evidence or witnesses to be submitted during the course of the trial.
Your Honor, The Commonwealth requests to hold an in-game trial, provided the defendant agrees. We propose June 15th at 8:00 PM EST, allowing ample time for discovery to conclude and taking advantage of the weekend. If this date is inconvenient, we request a discussion with you, the defendant, and myself in a Discord channel to find a suitable time.

Thank you.
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Your Honor, The Commonwealth requests to hold an in-game trial, provided the defendant agrees. We propose June 15th at 8:00 PM EST, allowing ample time for discovery to conclude and taking advantage of the weekend. If this date is inconvenient, we request a discussion with you, the defendant, and myself in a Discord channel to find a suitable time.

Thank you.
Do you wish to have an in game trial, if so, does this time and date work for you?
The Defense agrees to an in person trial, but we cannot do an 8PM EST trial. If it pleases the court, the Defense humbly requests the in game trial be on June 15th at 6PM EST.
We will move this to a sidebar in the judiciary discord to set up a time.
In Game Trial set for Saturday, June 15th 2024 at 6PM EST. The Venue will be the Federal Court House in game.

Presiding Officer: Justice Sumo
Bailiff: Towloo
Clerk: Unseatedduke1
Prosecution: Dr_Eksplosive (Commonwealth)
Defense: FrumpyLake (WackJap)

Bailiff Towloo called the court to order at 5:58 PM EST.

Justice Sumo: Discovery has concluded, and neither side has called witnesses or presented additional evidence.

The Commonwealth is to present their opening statement.

The Commonwealth:
Your Honor, members of the gallery, today we trail WackJap for one count of Embezzlement and Corruption. The defense has already confirmed that WackJap embezzled; they have falsely called it mere "goofs." However, proof of the law states corruption is an illegal act where a government member benefits. Withdrawing $50,000 for the reason of embezzlement is not a regular act of the job. WackJap is clearly guilty of corruption. Therefore, even if it was a joke, it fulfills all standards of corruption. The Commonwealth recommends finding WackJap guilty of all charges.

The defense is to present their opening statement.

No opening, but we have some things to say. Wackjap, we all know him. He is one of the more well-known names on the server. With his antics, he is a character. We might say, he has made many people upset, made many laugh, and cry. The defense understands he embezzled but not in a corrupt way. The prosecution calls the behavior "irregular," but for the defendant, it's regular. Yes, he embezzled into his account, but it wasn't to gain an edge over others. He is wealthy. The defense accepts the embezzlement but rejects the corruption charges. Thank you.

The judge is moving to closing statements, allowing both sides to call witnesses and additional evidence.

The Commonwealth has called no additional witnesses or provided additional evidence.

The Defense wants a jury.

Justice Sumo: There is no jury in Redmont.

The Defense would like to call CasualGreyNight, TheSuperior, SplatCat, and everyone in the court audience.

OBJECTION FROM COMMONWEALTH: In the interest of time, we ask that you limit witnesses.

Justice Sumo: Defense is limited to three witnesses.

Defense: If it pleases the court, we would like to call Ko, CrazyWolf, and BigPappa.

Justice Sumo summoned Ko. Bailiff Towloo swore Ko in on the stand.

Defense (to Ko): Thank you. I have a quick question. Is this behavior irregular for WackJap?

Ko: No, he goofs all the time. When I saw he embezzled money, I was not surprised.

Defense: Why were you not surprised?

Ko: He's not a regular player. I am surprised he hasn't done it sooner.

Defense: What kind of goofs has he done?

Ko: He murders, bribes, and sometimes even petty theft. He likes to mess around even if the law isn’t on his side.

Defense: So, he was just messing around. Are you friends?

Ko: Yeah, I would say so.

Defense: So, you're telling me that it's possible somebody commits a crime without it necessarily being done in bad faith?

Ko: No, not at all, especially when he admits to it.

Defense rests for Ko. Justice Sumo asked the Commonwealth if they would like to cross.

Commonwealth: Mr. Ko, you served as a magistrate on the court. Would you consider embezzlement consistent with the duties of a secretary?

Ko: No, with the duties of a secretary, No.

Commonwealth: That’s all.

Judge Sumo dismissed Ko. Justice Sumo summons CrazyWolfQueen. Bailiff Towloo swears in the witness.

Defense (to CrazyWolfQueen): Thank you for your time. I just have a question for you. Would you consider the defendant, WackJap, corrupt based on the definition of corrupt?

CrazyWolfQueen: No, I would not.

Defense: Why would you say no?

CrazyWolfQueen: Because he's a guy who jokes around but isn't a bad guy.

Defense: So, messing around, as we heard from Ko, included murder and other activities. So, I would like to confirm that even though he commits crimes, it is not done in a corrupt fashion?

CrazyWolfQueen: I have not witnessed a harsh crime from Wack, no.

Justice Sumo asks Commonwealth if they wish to ask.

Commonwealth: No.

Justice dismissed witness. Justice summons BigPappa. Bailiff swears in witness.

Defense (to BigPappa): Thank you for your time. I will make this quick. Do you think, based on the law, that WackJap is a corrupt person?

BigPappa: I do not believe WackJap is corrupt.

Defense: I see. Why?

BigPappa: I believe he did it as a joke and not to steal money.

Defense: So, the defendant committed crimes to be funny?

BigPappa: Mhm.

Defense: Defense takes that as a yes.

Justice allows Commonwealth to cross.

Commonwealth: You are a police officer. Can you tell us what corruption is?

Commonwealth: Nevermind, let’s move on.

Commonwealth: Mr. BigPappa, is embezzling $50k from the government a crime?

BigPappa: I think embezzling itself is a crime.

Commonwealth: 50k from the government—do you think WackJap benefited from this?

BigPappa: He is already wealthy.

Commonwealth: 50k was taken from the government and given to him. Would you, as a person and Police Officer, see this as benefiting from the government?

BigPappa: Yes.

Commonwealth: One last question. Is being funny an excuse for crime?

BigPappa: No.

Commonwealth is done. Justice moves to closing statements. The CW has the floor.

Commonwealth: Thank you. As we have seen from witnesses Ko and BigPappa, Mr. WackJap is clearly guilty of embezzlement and corruption. The defense admitted to embezzlement, BigPappa confirmed Wack benefited, and being funny is no excuse for crime. While the defense brought character witnesses to say Wack was funny, it's no reason to escape justice. He used his position within the government to steal money. This is corruption. Even though Wack may be a funny guy, we ask that all claims for relief be granted. Thank you, Your Honor.

Justice moves to Defense.

Defense: Thank you, Your Honor. The defense agrees with the CW on one matter: being funny is not a justification for crime. We are not arguing that the defendant is exempt. He should be held accountable for his actions. As we heard from Ko, there are likely others on this server who expected this behavior from WackJap. Although that potentially puts him at an advantage, that wasn't his intention. The defendant stated in the log that the funds were used for embezzlement, proof that WackJap wasn't seeking an advantage. As BigPappa said, Wack is wealthy; he doesn't need more to gain an edge. His hard work has already provided that. Yes, he embezzled. No, being funny isn't an excuse. Yes, he should pay back the 50k, but he shouldn't pay the 25k in corruption charges. Thank you, and the defense rests.

Justice Sumo: Court is in recess pending verdict.


Bailiff called court back to order:

Justice Sumo: You may be seated.

Now, this is the first in-game trial in a long time, and it's only the second one I have presided over, so the significance is great. Regarding this case, I have some thoughts. I believe both sides did a great job. The CW presented a strong case, and the defense handled the witnesses well.

The facts of this case are clear: Former Secretary Wack broke the law.

Now, for the charges laid out by the CW: Corruption is defined as "The act of using a government position to act to give some advantage inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others to unfairly benefit oneself, or someone else. By applying, being appointed to, or being elected into a position in government, the player agrees to serve the server over themselves.". This is crystal clear: WackJap used his position to unfairly benefit himself by using that office to obtain 50k of taxpayer money, admitting to taking it. It is proven he served himself over others, even if it was intended to be funny. No one is above the law.

Regarding embezzlement, the defense agrees he embezzled; his intentions were not surprising, but foreseeability does not make it legal. For that, we will follow the Commonwealths request.

The court finds the defendant guilty. Wack will pay back the 50k and face 10 minutes in jail. He will be barred from holding office for 2 months, and fined 35k.

The federal court thanks all involved. This was a great case.
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