Lawsuit: Adjourned The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Westray & Partypig678 [2022] FCR 47

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Jul 20, 2020

The Commonwealth of Redmont


Westray and Partypig678

The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:

Former President Westray, unfined Partypig which was his First-Lady at the time an amount totalling $76000 from the DCGovernmentDOS and DCGovernmentDPA accounts. This unfine happened shortly before Westray would no longer be president. No such budget expenditure for the DOS or DPA was recorded even though it is mandated by Congress.

The Former President is charged with "Embezzlement" which is defined as "the act of withholding assets for the purpose of conversion of such assets, by one or more persons to whom the assets were entrusted, for personal gain." under section 4 "Type of Fraud" of the White Collar Crack Down Act. The president withheld $76000 from the government which was entrusted to the government and by defacto Westray as the President is the head of the government.

The Former President is charged with "Fraud" which is defined as "an intentional or reckless misrepresentation or omission of an important fact, especially a material one, to a victim who justifiably relies on that misrepresentation; and the victim party or entity suffered actual, quantifiable injury or damages as a result of the misrepresentation or omission.” under section 1 of the White Collar Crack Down Act. Failing to report, the expenditure is an omission of an important material fact to a victim(congress) justifiable relies on.

The Former President is charged with 2 counts of "Corruption" which is defined as "To use a government position, elected or otherwise, to benefit one's private interests or corporate ventures. By applying for a position or being elected into a position in government, the player agrees to serve the server over themselves." Former President Westray used his government position as president to benefit his own private interests or corporate venture by unfining his First-Lady and long-time friend Partypig government assigned money for no apparent reason.
"The other count of Corruption is committed by the fact that Westray attempted to pre-pardon Partypig for "any crimes related to Tax Evasion, Fraud, and Evasion of Building Regulations." Which would include Embezzlement.

Former First Lady Partypig is charged with being an "Accomplice to commit Embezzlement". Although Partypig was not personally entrusted with the money he received he was a conspirator and facilitated the exchange and did not report it to the Government.

1. The State - Prosecution
2. Westray - Defendant
3. Partypig678 - Co-defendant

1. Westray would seize to be president after the inauguration which roughly occurred on Thursday the 16th of June at 2:00 am UTC.
2. Westray unfined his first lady and long-time friend Partypig678 $56000 from the DOS account at [00:43:36] UTC on the 16th of June the same day.
3. Westray unfined partypig678 $20000 from the DPA account at [00:44:44] on the 16th of June the same day.
4. No such expense was recorded in the #budget channel.

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1. 1 count of Embezzlement against Former President Westray
2. 1 count of Fraud against former President Westray
3. 2 counts of Corruption against Former President Westray
4. 1 Count of Accomplice to commit Embezzlement

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. For the charge of 1 count of Embezzlement against Former President Westray the prosecution asks the maximum fine of $50.000 and 10min of jail time as well as being required to compensate the government.
2. For the charge of 1 count of Fraud against Former President Westray the prosecution asks the maximum fine of $50.000 and 10min of jail time.
3. For the charges of 2 counts of Corruption against Former President Westray the prosecution asks the maximum fine of $10.000 + Removal from public office for 2 months.
4. For the 1 Count of Accomplice to commit Embezzlement the prosecution asks for the maximum fine of $37500 and 7,5min of jail time as well as being required to compensate the government.

The Prosecution is willing to do an in-game trial starting with the Opening Statements

Edited to clarify that partypig refers to partypig678. Seeing as there has been no summons yet I think it is not an issue.*

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 6th day of July 2022


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The Commonwealth of Redmont


Westray and "Partypig"

Given that past precedents have allowed the Defendant to post a motion to dismiss before being summoned (References can be provided on request), the Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:

1. The Prosecution has listed a Defendant that has never existed within this community. The user "Partypig" has never joined DC. Every other case has listed the Defendant's full username however the Prosecution has failed to do so. Partypig is a steve skin random player according to namemc:
2. Under sentencing recommendations, the prosecution uses three zeros rather than two zeros for cents. For instance, under Section 4.1 of the complaint, it states "asks the maximum fine of $50.000" - what is $50.000? Is it $50 or something else? It does not use the regular complaint formatting for Redmont money.
3. Under charges, the prosecution does not even note who the charge of "Accomplice to commit Embezzlement" would even be directed at, despite the previous charges naming the Defendant. It does not explicitly name this "Partypig" user as the accomplice in sentencing or charges.
4. The allegation of Corruption over a pardon is frivolous with no legal basis. The President cannot be found guilty of Corruption for the use of a preemptive pardon. In fact, in Executive Order 19/21, Austin27 was pardoned for electoral fraud by then-President Hugebob, which he later used as a defence in a case. The Department of Legal Affairs did not prosecute Hugebob for this act.
5. The Prosecution has provided no explanation why double charges of both "Fraud" and "Embezzlement" are being alleged.
6. In the Defendant's will (titled "We All Shall Fall"), the Defendant clearly willed all crimes to be inherited by Krix. The Department of Legal Affairs has not listed Krix as a Defendant despite this.
7. The Prosecution's claims are inaccurate and frivolous. While they have have presented a screenshot of an alleged act, their arguments are full of inaccuracies and frivolous claims. In accordance with the constitution, every citizen has the right to a fair trial. How can this be deemed a fair trial when this much of the claims are inaccurate? Let alone #1 that notes how the prosecution failed to even properly name the co-defendant.

This motion to dismiss alleges a wide range of inaccuracies and frivolous claims by the Prosecution. If the government cannot even properly address a co-defendant or provide coherent claims in a poorly formatted month-late case, it is a beyond disappointing breach of duty. This case should be dismissed.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 6th day of July 2022
Point > 1 - Common spelling is recognized within the court - In your own motion to dismiss your further provided failure to properly spell former HugeBob23456's name.
Point > 2 - I will be accepting this format of money as all cultures of life are welcomed within the court of Redmont, this includes different cultures of monetary recognition. Furthermore, I would ask for clarity on the record for the court that we further continue the case within the normalized and generally accepted format as the following "0,000.00" - This will be practiced to ensure the record is easily able to be followed.
Point > 3 - I will be denying this irregularity as "Partypig" is listed as a co-defendant within the initial filings.
Point > 4 - The allegation of corruption based on the evidence provided to the courts at this time provides reason to believe that the possibility of corruption could have occurred in relation to the evidence that has been provided to the courts.
Point > 5 - The listed explanation of the charges is laid out before the court in the complaint.
Point > 6 - Crimes and legal charges cannot be simply willed away - The court has always emplored and empowered the understanding of "If you do the crime, you do the time." So the court will be denying this point.

I will be further denying this motion to dismiss. I will be issuing a summons in a matter of moments.


The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of the The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Westray & Partypig678 [2022] FCR 47. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Westray, it’s corruption. Just pull a BubblyBo
I hereby charge BubblyBo with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I got $15,000 on The Commonwealth of Redmont, anyone want to take that bet? I’ll give 3:1 odds.
I hereby charge Wetc with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I got $15,000 on The Commonwealth of Redmont, anyone want to take that bet? I’ll give 3:1 odds.
At least it’s not an @JoeGamer Charge 💀💀💀
I hereby charge BubblyBo with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I hereby charge Wetc with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I hereby charge you with having:

One count No Game

One count of No Play

Three counts of No Bitches

I hereby charge BubblyBo with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
What happened to freedom of speech?
charge dn
I hereby charge Muffins29 with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I hereby charge you with having:

One count No Game

One count of No Play

Three counts of No Bitches

I hereby charge Wetc with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I hereby charge Wetc with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
What happened to freedom of speech?
I hereby charge BubblyBo with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
There’s no point trying, unless u want to go over the fine and get impeached like @JoeGamer (thats an L btw)

Also be nice to wetc, he’s probably drunk
There’s no point trying, unless u want to go over impeached

Also be nice to wetc, he’s probably drunk
I didn’t even know you could get drunk off Bofa
whats bofa???
it dont want us learning about bofa :/
The Commonwealth asks that all of Former President Westray's & First lady Partypig678's asset will be frozen from most to least valuable until the value of the assets exceeds the prayer for relief. This would last until the remainder of the trial. Westray & Partypig678 are currently still in possession of many valuable assets and in the case of a guilty verdict, the commonwealth may be required to seize this asset if Westray and/or Partypig678 are unable to pay with cash.

The assets include but are not limited to:

Shares in the Stock Market
Valuable Item reserves such as beacons, netherite and iron_blocks.
Any vehicles.
To our understanding, in accordance with past precedent and the Judicial Standards Act, emergency injunctions are to be filed alongside the original claim. The Prosecution cannot simply request an injunction during the middle of the case after the Defendant has already presented a motion to dismiss. This precedent of emergency injunctions needing to be filed alongside the original claim is crucial, as it is the only way for a Defendant to be able to defend themselves.

Cases Kycnn1703 v. Department of State [2022] SCR 8, UtCowboy21 Vs. Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] FCR 31, nnmc v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] SCR 6, Hamilton City Bank v. Wetc [2022] FCR 10, Galavance v. Trentrick_Lamar ShinHeYing & Hong_Kong_101 [2021] FCR 76, and xlayzur v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2021] SCR 12, all include an emergency injunction that was filed before arguments from the Defence were presented. In these cases, which includes Supreme Court precedent, these injunctions were filed alongside the original claim.
The Commonwealth asks that all of Former President Westray's & First lady Partypig678's asset will be frozen from most to least valuable until the value of the assets exceeds the prayer for relief. This would last until the remainder of the trial. Westray & Partypig678 are currently still in possession of many valuable assets and in the case of a guilty verdict, the commonwealth may be required to seize this asset if Westray and/or Partypig678 are unable to pay with cash.

The assets include but are not limited to:
Shares in the Stock Market
Valuable Item reserves such as beacons, netherite and iron_blocks.
Any vehicles.
Assets can also include offshore items in Sugondese
Your honor, I would like to file an amicus brief
There’s no point trying, unless u want to go over the fine and get impeached like @JoeGamer (thats an L btw)

Also be nice to wetc, he’s probably drunk
I hereby charge BubblyBo with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I didn’t even know you could get drunk off Bofa
I hereby charge Wetc with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
whats bofa???
I hereby charge Muffins29 with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
Common Muffins W
I hereby charge Twixted with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I hereby charge Wetc with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
Why tf did it turn my text emoji into that shit
I hereby charge Wetc with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
it dont want us learning about bofa :/
I hereby charge Muffins29 with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I hereby charge BubblyBo with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
Not @Nacho giving up 💀💀💀
I hereby charge BubblyBo with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I hereby charge Psypio with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I wanna join this party
I hereby charge black_ven0m with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
Assets can also include offshore items in Sugondese
I hereby charge Wetc with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.

This court will come to order. I have informed the DOJ that should an individual arrive at the 3rd offense threshold then a maximum fine of $1,500 + 10 min jail time shall be issued to the person charged.
To our understanding, in accordance with past precedent and the Judicial Standards Act, emergency injunctions are to be filed alongside the original claim. The Prosecution cannot simply request an injunction during the middle of the case after the Defendant has already presented a motion to dismiss. This precedent of emergency injunctions needing to be filed alongside the original claim is crucial, as it is the only way for a Defendant to be able to defend themselves.

Cases Kycnn1703 v. Department of State [2022] SCR 8, UtCowboy21 Vs. Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] FCR 31, nnmc v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] SCR 6, Hamilton City Bank v. Wetc [2022] FCR 10, Galavance v. Trentrick_Lamar ShinHeYing & Hong_Kong_101 [2021] FCR 76, and xlayzur v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2021] SCR 12, all include an emergency injunction that was filed before arguments from the Defence were presented. In these cases, which includes Supreme Court precedent, these injunctions were filed alongside the original claim.
Objection Overruled - On the grounds that the defense posted their motion to dismiss before being summoned to the court to allow the opportunity for the plaintiff to possibly submit their emergency injunction.
The Commonwealth asks that all of Former President Westray's & First lady Partypig678's asset will be frozen from most to least valuable until the value of the assets exceeds the prayer for relief. This would last until the remainder of the trial. Westray & Partypig678 are currently still in possession of many valuable assets and in the case of a guilty verdict, the commonwealth may be required to seize this asset if Westray and/or Partypig678 are unable to pay with cash.

The assets include but are not limited to:
Shares in the Stock Market
Valuable Item reserves such as beacons, netherite and iron_blocks.
Any vehicles.
I will be granting this Emergency Injunction - All assets of the Defendant and Co-Defendant from the initial filing of the case are herby frozen and cannot be exchanged or used. I grant a Search Warrant for the DOJ to properly log and itemize a list of these assets.
Your honor, I would like to file an amicus brief
Please explain to the courts in what capacity including why the courts should grant this brief.
What is my perfect crime? I break into the hypothetical bank that holds the government’s budget at midnight. Do I go for the DER? No, I go for the DOS and DPA budgets. They’re priceless. As I'm working out a plan, a player catches me. He tells me to stop. It's “Ketterdam’s” money. He’s Partypig678, rightful owner of Ketterdam. I say no. I unfine him the budgets. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell him to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust him. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Partypig to meet me in Hamiltom by the Capitol. He’s been waiting for me all these years. He’s never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Raybucks. That's where I stashed the other budgets no one knew I took.
I will be granting this Emergency Injunction - All assets of the Defendant and Co-Defendant from the initial filing of the case are herby frozen and cannot be exchanged or used. I grant a Search Warrant for the DOJ to properly log and itemize a list of these assets.
Your, honour Partypig had around 90k on his balance yesterday which is now 0$. Does this warrant also extend to viewing /pay commands to see where this money went?
I didn't read this lawsuit I just did that cause I posted my will the other day and Simon in my will so I just gave all the money in my account to him
forgot this was happening tbh

so leave me out of this idk whats going on
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What is my perfect crime? I break into the hypothetical bank that holds the government’s budget at midnight. Do I go for the DER? No, I go for the DOS and DPA budgets. They’re priceless. As I'm working out a plan, a player catches me. He tells me to stop. It's “Ketterdam’s” money. He’s Partypig678, rightful owner of Ketterdam. I say no. I unfine him the budgets. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell him to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust him. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Partypig to meet me in Hamiltom by the Capitol. He’s been waiting for me all these years. He’s never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Raybucks. That's where I stashed the other budgets no one knew I took.
I hereby charge Taro with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
Your, honour Partypig had around 90k on his balance yesterday which is now 0$. Does this warrant also extend to viewing /pay commands to see where this money went?
Yes, the scope of the warrant extends to the Co-Defendant.
The court requests a plea from the defendant(s) in relation to the charges brought against them by the state and requires that it be submitted to the court within 24 hours.
Your honeur, I would like to request a 72 hour extension while we coordinate with our legal team and consider all options. In addition, there is personal matters that protrude us being able to provide a clear response to the criminal complaint within a short timespan. We believe this is a justified request given the constitutional right to a fair trial.
Your honeur, I would like to request a 72 hour extension while we coordinate with our legal team and consider all options. In addition, there is personal matters that protrude us being able to provide a clear response to the criminal complaint within a short timespan. We believe this is a justified request given the constitutional right to a fair trial.
I will grant a 24-hour extension which should be more than enough time for your legal team to organize its initial plea. Please be prompt when responding back to the case. The court will be in recess until 7/9/22 @ 11:50 pm.
I hereby charge Trentrick_Lamar with 1 count of Contempt of Court - Please do not speak when not involved or summoned to speak within the case.
I have found important evidence for this case: Partypig Scandal
Please only respond to the thread when directly asked a question. I will provide you a warning as you have been summoned by not called to answer a question.
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