Lawsuit: Dismissed The_Donuticus v. the Commonwealth of Redmont [2023] FCR 15


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Feb 16, 2021



The Commonwealth of Redmont

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

1. The_Donuticus
2. The Commonwealth of Redmont
3. xEndeavour

1. xEndeavour has been appointed a special prosecutor with the DLA in a suspiciously quick response time of 11 minuites.
2. The Constitution charges the DLA with "Defending the national legal interest."
3. The Constitution charges the DLA with "Acting ethically and lawfully at the President’s direction."
4. xEndeavour is on trial for three charges of Treason in 'Matthew100x v. xEndeavour [2022] SCR 21'
5. Treason is defined as "The act of a party in federal office who is caught attempting to maliciously sabotage or undermine the stability, sovereignty, and/or national security of the government of Redmont."
6. Corruption is defined as "The act of using a government position to act to give some advantage inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others to unfairly benefit oneself, or someone else. By applying, being appointed to, or being elected into a position in government, the player agrees to serve the server over themselves."
7. xEndeavour is accused of bias in 'Krix v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2023] FCR 11' against an individual in which he is now attempting to use his position as a Special Prosecutor to disrupt the case.

1. Due to the charges of treason xEndeavour cannot be trusted to 'defend the national legal interest' or to 'Act ethically and lawfully'.
2. Due to his obviously collusion with Acting Attorney General Rurge to quickly appoint himself as a Special Prosecutor so that he can try and disrupt the legal efforts of the Krix Legal Dream Team to provide a fair trial for Krix, xEndeavour has violated the provision against corruption which states "By applying, being appointed to, or being elected into a position in government, the player agrees to serve the server over themselves." which is an unlawful act in violation of the DLA's responsibility to 'Act ethically and lawfully'.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. xEndeavour be removed from his position as a Special Prosecutor.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This, Friday the, 13th of January 2023

Due to the severity of the situation the Plaintiff asks that xEndeavour be suspended as a Special Prosecutor immediately for the reasons given above.

The Plaintiff asks that the court block all attempts by xEndeavour to interfere or disrupt this lawsuit, as seen in:

'Matthew100x & xLayzur v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] FCR 89'
'Matthew100x & xLayzur v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] SCR 20'
'Matthew100x v. xEndeavour [2022] SCR 21'

xEndeavour has shown he has no regard for the law, and little understanding of his position in regards to a court case. He is not the Defendant in this case and thus should be stopped from disrupting it.
Your honour, can I please request that if the plaintiff is going to continuously implicate me in cases that I, again, be afforded to address the accusations prior to the court acting on injunctions.

I am beginning to notice a pattern of the plaintiff suing the government and listing me as a party and then implicating me before requesting I have no say in the case.

xEndeavour, while a party to this case, is not the Defendant and has no right to respond to this case. If the Defence wishes to call him as a witness it can later in the trial as the proper method of response in this scenario.

The Plaintiff asks that he be charged with Contempt of Court.
I will be denying the breach of procedure as xEndeavour appears to be making a request to the court that he responds to the case before the emergency injunctions are ruled on.

However with that being said, I'm warning both parties right now that anyone who speaks out of turn will be charged with contempt of court.
I will be dismissing this case as a frivolous case for the following reasons:

1. The Plaintiff's first claim for relief states that xEndeavour can't be trusted to defend national legal interests due to his charges of treason. Firstly, xEndeavour has not been found guilty of treason at the time being, nor is he being sued by the Commonwealth for treason. He is being sued by a private individual, and he hasn't been charged at the current time. Secondly, it seems awfully weird that the Plaintiff in another case that is suing the Commonwealth of Redmont is concerned with the defenses ability to defend the legal interests of the Commonwealth.

2. The second claim for relief states that xEndeavour is obviously colluding with Rurge because Rurge appointed xEndeavour as the defense attorney quickly. This is the job of the Attorney General. Rurge appointed someone from the DLA to represent the Commonwealth of Redmont. There is no issue with what happened. Secondly, the Plaintiff has provided no evidence for either claim for relief, but rather stated the word "Obviously" as if the court should just assume that they are correct in their claims.

3. Furthermore if anyone litigating against the commonwealth believes that the state prosecutor or defender shouldn't be representing the commonwealth in that specific case, they should bring it up in that case rather than file a new case.

For the reasons stated above, I hereby charge Lord_Donuticus with 1 count of filing a frivolous case, and hereby order the DOJ to fine him appropriately. Along with the dismissal of this case, I will be rejecting both emergency injunctions.