State Secretary
State Department
Homeland Security Department
Interior Department
Order of Redmont
State Secretary
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- Oct 15, 2022
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- #1
The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the Constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Vehicular Law Additions Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Representative TheReal42Person.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Rep. Bezzergeezer.
2 - Reasons
(1) There are only two laws pertaining to vehicles.
(2) There should be traffic laws about roads, in addition to just vehicle offenses.
(3) Redmont streets are dead, and we need more vehicle roleplay.
(4) We just got a new vehicles plugin, allowing for much more roleplay.
3 - The Vehicular Offenses Act shall be amended as follows:
4 - Offenses
(1) Careless Driving (Original: Th0re - Apr 2, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of driving in such a way that places a players’ life in danger.
Per Offense: $100 Fine
(2) Speeding
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of not driving at an appropriate speed (driving too slowly or too fast).
Per Offense: $100 Fine
(3) Illegal Parking
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of parking illegally on a player’s private property without the consent of the owner.
Per Offense: $100 Fine (paid to owner of the plot) + Vehicle Impounded
(4) Vehicle Abandonment (Original: A__C - May 13, 2022)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of abandoning a vehicle by leaving it on public or government land and not in a designated parking bay, parked on a plot without the consent of the plot owner, or left in a designated parking bay for a period of over 14 days.
Per Offense: $100 Fine + Vehicle Impounded
(5) Driving While Ability Impaired
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of driving with at least 8% drunkenness (as judged by ‘/brew info’).
Per Offense: $100 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
(6) Attempting to Flee From a Police Officer
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of refusing to comply when an officer uses the “/doj-pullover” command against a criminal violating traffic laws.
Per Offense: $100 Fine
(7) Violation of Traffic Laws
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of violating any part of section “5 - Traffic Laws” in this act.
Per Offense: $100 Fine + Vehicle Impounded
5 - Traffic Laws
(1) The following is a list of rules that apply to all roads managed by the Department of Construction & Transportation:
(a) Redmont shall use the right-hand traffic (RHT) system, meaning all vehicles must drive on the right side of the road.
(b) Bike lanes are restricted to bikes only.
(c) No vehicle is permitted on sidewalks or other walkways, including (but not limited to) Spawn, the Capitol, Capitol Station, or inside buildings.
(d) No vehicle may park within five (5) blocks of a bus.
(e) No vehicle may park on a crosswalk.
(f) Vehicles must drive at an appropriate speed. (i.e. not speeding through a residential neighborhood)
(i) The DOJ, in conjunction with the DCT, may set speed limits to specific roadways.
(g) Vehicles may not make U-turns (turning around by 180 degrees) on major roadways.
(h) All players must have a Driver's License to use any vehicle on a public roadway.
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