Redundant Veto & Approval Clarification Amendment

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Construction & Transport Department
Oakridge Resident
Apr 7, 2020

Set a Clear Standard for Veto Override on Constitutional Amendments

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives and Senators in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Veto & Approval Clarification Amendment”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) Authored by Vice President hugebob23456, Representative LilDigiVert & Representative xEndeavour

2 - Reasons
(1) A recent dispute between the Executive and the Legislature has led to a dramatic shift in veto power on Constitutional Amendments which could be potentially dangerous.
(2) Our Constitution is a living document. We are having a referendum over the smallest things on almost every second bill. This defeats the purpose of a representative democracy, rather we have more of a direct democracy.

3 - Terms
(1) Veto Override
Where Congress has the power to override a Presidential Veto, a super-majority must be achieved in both chambers of Congress to nullify the Veto, for Presidential Assent to be assumed.
(a) Where the Presidential Veto applies to a Constitutional change, an 80% majority (rounded up where not exact) must be achieved in both chambers of Congress to nullify the Veto, for Presidential Assent to be assumed.

(2) The following is removed as it is already stated in the powers of Congress:
(a) The Senate may approve a motion from the House of Representatives to override a Presidential veto by a supermajority of votes.

(3) - Government Change Amendment
(a) Currently the constitution is becoming convoluted with defined terms. System of Government changes are already included under the definition of complex changes. The following is changed from subsection (a) to subsection (b):
(a) 'Congress cannot override a veto of a System of Government change or complex change.'
(b) 'Congress cannot override a veto of a complex change.'

(4) - Addition to Complex Changes
The following is added to the definition of a complex change:
(a) A Rights & Freedoms Change

(5) - Changing the Constitution Amendment
The following is changed from subsection (a) to subsection (b):
(a) An absolute majority (50%+1) needs to be achieved via public referendum, if the amendment is for a Government Change or a Rights and Freedoms change.
(b) A supermajority needs to be achieved via public referendum, only if the amendment is for a complex change.

(5) - Congress Constitutional Amendments
The following is changed from subsection (a) to subsection (b):
(a) Congress has the ability to amend the Constitution through a super majority vote in both chambers, with the exclusion of any changes to the system of Government which must attain a majority in a public referendum as well.
(b) Congress has the ability to amend the Constitution as prescribed by Section V of this Constitution.
(4) - Addition to Complex Changes
The following is added to the definition of a complex change:
(a) A Rights & Freedoms Change
This bill has been granted assent and (ironically) may now be put to referendum by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.​