Redundant Vice Presidential Reform Amendment Act

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1st Anniversary Staff Statesman Presidential Commendation
Mar 28, 2021
Amend the Constitution

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives and Senators in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Vice Presidential Reform Amendment”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This bill has been co-sponsored by Senator black_ven0m, Speaker A__C, and Deputy Speaker nnmc .

2 - Reasons
(1) The current system is inherently flawed. What started as a good-faith attempt to make the structure of the legislature more unique has resulted in less democracy and an impending logistical nightmare.
(2) Section 3 gives the Vice President the ability to cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate. In the event of a 50/50 split, the status quo system will automatically be rejected. This is problematic because a divided Senate does not mean a disapproving Senate. Allowing the Vice President (who was also elected to make decisions in the best interest of the people) to cast the tie-breaking vote will make the Senate a more democratic chamber. A similar piece of legislation passed Congress nearly unanimously and failed in referendum largely in part to a controversial political environment (Gold’s impeachment). Bill: Rejected - Re-Establishment of VP Tie Breaking Powers Amendment
(3) Section 4 allows the Vice President to fill-in for the POS in the event that the position is vacant or they are temporarily absent/unable to fulfill the duties of their role. There is currently no mechanism or procedure in place for an event like this.
(4) This bill is a happy medium between the Pre-President of the Senate and status quo because the Vice President will not be the de facto presiding authority in the chamber, and allows the legislature to act autonomously when the President of the Senate is present. Simultaneously, the Vice President will have retained a purpose beyond being a glorified special advisor, as they can again break the occasional ties in the Senate of six.

3 - Amendment

(1) “The Senate is presided over by the President of the Senate, who is responsible for maintaining the good order and efficient running of the chamber, as well as chairing meetings, facilitating the voting of bills, and ensuring the timely passage of Bills to the President for Approval. Any vote which results in a tie shall go to the Nays.”

Changes to:

“The Senate is presided over by the President of the Senate, who is responsible for maintaining the good order and efficient running of the chamber, as well as chairing meetings, facilitating the voting of bills, and ensuring the timely passage of Bills to the President for Approval. The Vice President shall have the power to cast a tie-breaking vote should a tie arise.”

4 - Addition to “President of the Senate”

In the event that there is an absence or vacancy in the role of the President of the Senate, the Vice President will act as the President of the Senate until a new one is elected and can carry out the duties of the role or the existing President of the Senate returns from their absence. During this time, the Vice President may not vote on bills, but will be tasked with moving bills and putting bills and motions up to a vote as needed.
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Nay, we spent two years getting the VP out of the senate to strengthen the separation of powers and now we are about to undo it because the incoming VP doesn't want to leave the senate.

There is no flaw in the current process. It protects the legislature's independence and the separation of powers. The Senate is able to internally deal with ties. There is no limitation on democracy? This strengthens the democratic process. There is no logistical nightmare?

The Senate should be lead in the Senate by a Senator from the legislative branch of government. The senate should not be led by a Vice President who is from the executive branch of government. The Vice President would have a disproportionate amount of power in being able to cast a tiebreaking vote or lead the Senate in the absence of the POS and to then advise the President on whether or not they should veto a bill. This gives the executive a vote in congress and a veto - it allows them to have a disproportionate say on legislation.

If a bill does not receive more than 50% of the senate's support, it should not pass. This is a quality control check on legislation.

The VP has had a portfolio in all Presidencies with exception to the Krix Administration. The VP is also a close and trusted advisor to the President who assists in whole of government supervision. The only time a VP has no role is when the VP is slacking off. What they put in is what they get out of it.

This bill does not remove the Legislative Independence Amendment Act as well, so it would cause clashing legislation.

This graphic was made when we were campaigning to remove the VP. We would be reverting from 'proposed' to back to 'current,' a reckless move in blurring the separation of power again.


Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
