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House: 5-1-0
Senate: 3-2-1
The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Violent Offenses Changes Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: Representative lcn.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: Deputy Speaker zLost.
2 - Reasons
(1) To discourage crime.
(2) To update the law.
(3) To standardize the format of the punishment listed.
3- Amendments
(1) The Violent Offences Act shall be amended as follows:
4 - Legal Processes
(1) Dispersal Order (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) An identified person or group of persons may be subject to a dispersal order should they be continuously inciting and/or conducting violence against others.
(ii) For a dispersal order to be valid, a member of the DoJ with the rank Sergeant or above must:
> Identify the individuals subject to the dispersal order in global chat and /msg.
> State the area within which they are not permitted to return.
> State the time from which the dispersal order is active.
(iii) Dispersal orders are only valid for 15 minutes and for an area no bigger than 50 x 50 blocks.
(iv) Dispersal orders may be reapplied as long as the Sergeant sanctioning the order can justify the necessity for the order.
(2) Given 1 warning, any citizen trespassing on another citizen’s residential plot is allowed to be shot on sight.
(i) The Department of Justice Homeland Security will remove wanted points given enough evidence.
(3) Self Defense (Original: FracturedGhast7 - Jun 27, 2021)
(i) A reasonable and proportionate defensive response to an imminent threat where a criminal action against the individual or property has been directly made, threatened, or implied.
(ii) Crimes committed can be appealed under a claim of self defense, at which point all punishments are to be delayed until after the appeal.
(4) Bounties
(i) Bounties are considered legal, and the Department of Justice Homeland Security may not arrest a citizen for setting one.
(ii) No citizen may be persecuted for setting a bounty in a court of law.
5 - Offences Offenses
(1) Assault (Original: Icypenguin79 - Feb 21, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of hitting a player, causing a loss of no more than 3 hearts; or putting them in a place of danger (such as pointing a weapon at them).
Per Offense: $100 $75 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
(2) Attempted Murder (Original: Icypenguin79 - Feb 21, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of repetitively hitting a player, causing a loss of more than 3 hearts. This crime overrides Assault.
Per Offense: $75 $100 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
(3) Dispersal Order Breech (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of violating an established dispersal order.
Per First Offense: $100 Fine
Subsequent Offenses: $250 Fine
(4) Falsely Claiming Self Defense
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of falsely claiming you acted under self defense when committing another crime.
Per Offense: Doubles the punishment for all crimes which were claimed to be under self defense.
(5) Harassment, Alarm, or Distress (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of disorderly behavior towards an individual or a group of individuals, that may be deemed to a reasonable person as causing harassment, alarm, or distress.
Minimum Sentencing: $500 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time
(6) Violent Disorder (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of 3 or more persons who are present together where they use or threaten unlawful violence, where the conduct of is such as would cause a person at the scene to fear for their own personal safety, each of the persons using or threatening unlawful violence is guilty of violent disorder.
Minimum Sentencing: $500 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time
(7) Murder (Original: LilDigiVert - Dec 4, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of unlawfully killing another player. This law overrides attempted murder, and assault, and trespassing.
Per Offence Offense: $100 $250 fine + 10 minutes jail time
(8) Kidnapping
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of locking a player who did not give consent or a tamed pet that the kidnapper does not own in a room without any way to get out (excluding commands).
Per Offense: $100 fine + 5 minutes jail time $500 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
(9) Hostage Holding
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of holding a player at gunpoint and not letting them leave until they pay you “ransom”. This crime overrides assault and/or kidnapping.
Per Offense: $100 fine + 10 minutes jail time $1000 Fine + 10 Minutes Jail Time
(10) Weaponry in Safe Zones (Original: pugbandit - Feb 15, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The possession of weapons in safe zones (Hospital, Spawn, Capitol, Government House, and the Courthouse).
First Offense: Verbal Warning
Second Offense: $80 $100 Fine
Third Offense: $120 $150 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
(11) Public Nuisance (Original: pugbandit - Feb 15, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of willfully causing substantial and unreasonable interference by disrupting, destroying, or trolling DPA-sanctioned Events, government-sanctioned events, or political rallies of any kind in its planning, building/creation, and or execution.
First Offense: Verbal Warning + Dismissal from event (if participating)
Second Offense: $60 $500 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
Third Offense: $100 Fine $1000 + 15 Minutes Jail Time
(12) Serial Killing
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of unlawfully killing more than 7 players before being arrested. This law overrides attempted murder, murder, and assault, and trespassing.
Per Offense: $200 / $300 Fine per murder + 60 Minutes Jail Time
Senate: 3-2-1
The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Violent Offenses Changes Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: Representative lcn.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: Deputy Speaker zLost.
2 - Reasons
(1) To discourage crime.
(2) To update the law.
(3) To standardize the format of the punishment listed.
3- Amendments
(1) The Violent Offences Act shall be amended as follows:
4 - Legal Processes
(1) Dispersal Order (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) An identified person or group of persons may be subject to a dispersal order should they be continuously inciting and/or conducting violence against others.
(ii) For a dispersal order to be valid, a member of the DoJ with the rank Sergeant or above must:
> Identify the individuals subject to the dispersal order in global chat and /msg.
> State the area within which they are not permitted to return.
> State the time from which the dispersal order is active.
(iii) Dispersal orders are only valid for 15 minutes and for an area no bigger than 50 x 50 blocks.
(iv) Dispersal orders may be reapplied as long as the Sergeant sanctioning the order can justify the necessity for the order.
(2) Given 1 warning, any citizen trespassing on another citizen’s residential plot is allowed to be shot on sight.
(i) The Department of Justice Homeland Security will remove wanted points given enough evidence.
(3) Self Defense (Original: FracturedGhast7 - Jun 27, 2021)
(i) A reasonable and proportionate defensive response to an imminent threat where a criminal action against the individual or property has been directly made, threatened, or implied.
(ii) Crimes committed can be appealed under a claim of self defense, at which point all punishments are to be delayed until after the appeal.
(4) Bounties
(i) Bounties are considered legal, and the Department of Justice Homeland Security may not arrest a citizen for setting one.
(ii) No citizen may be persecuted for setting a bounty in a court of law.
5 - Offences Offenses
(1) Assault (Original: Icypenguin79 - Feb 21, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of hitting a player, causing a loss of no more than 3 hearts; or putting them in a place of danger (such as pointing a weapon at them).
Per Offense: $100 $75 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
(2) Attempted Murder (Original: Icypenguin79 - Feb 21, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of repetitively hitting a player, causing a loss of more than 3 hearts. This crime overrides Assault.
Per Offense: $75 $100 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
(3) Dispersal Order Breech (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of violating an established dispersal order.
Per First Offense: $100 Fine
Subsequent Offenses: $250 Fine
(4) Falsely Claiming Self Defense
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of falsely claiming you acted under self defense when committing another crime.
Per Offense: Doubles the punishment for all crimes which were claimed to be under self defense.
(5) Harassment, Alarm, or Distress (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of disorderly behavior towards an individual or a group of individuals, that may be deemed to a reasonable person as causing harassment, alarm, or distress.
Minimum Sentencing: $500 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time
(6) Violent Disorder (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of 3 or more persons who are present together where they use or threaten unlawful violence, where the conduct of is such as would cause a person at the scene to fear for their own personal safety, each of the persons using or threatening unlawful violence is guilty of violent disorder.
Minimum Sentencing: $500 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time
(7) Murder (Original: LilDigiVert - Dec 4, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of unlawfully killing another player. This law overrides attempted murder, and assault, and trespassing.
Per Offence Offense: $100 $250 fine + 10 minutes jail time
(8) Kidnapping
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of locking a player who did not give consent or a tamed pet that the kidnapper does not own in a room without any way to get out (excluding commands).
Per Offense: $100 fine + 5 minutes jail time $500 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
(9) Hostage Holding
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of holding a player at gunpoint and not letting them leave until they pay you “ransom”. This crime overrides assault and/or kidnapping.
Per Offense: $100 fine + 10 minutes jail time $1000 Fine + 10 Minutes Jail Time
(10) Weaponry in Safe Zones (Original: pugbandit - Feb 15, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The possession of weapons in safe zones (Hospital, Spawn, Capitol, Government House, and the Courthouse).
First Offense: Verbal Warning
Second Offense: $80 $100 Fine
Third Offense: $120 $150 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
(11) Public Nuisance (Original: pugbandit - Feb 15, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of willfully causing substantial and unreasonable interference by disrupting, destroying, or trolling DPA-sanctioned Events, government-sanctioned events, or political rallies of any kind in its planning, building/creation, and or execution.
First Offense: Verbal Warning + Dismissal from event (if participating)
Second Offense: $60 $500 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
Third Offense: $100 Fine $1000 + 15 Minutes Jail Time
(12) Serial Killing
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of unlawfully killing more than 7 players before being arrested. This law overrides attempted murder, murder, and assault, and trespassing.
Per Offense: $200 / $300 Fine per murder + 60 Minutes Jail Time
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