Repealed Warrant Clarity Act

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3rd Anniversary Change Maker Popular in the Polls 1st Anniversary
Mar 8, 2021

Clarify Warrants

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment:
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Warrant Clarity Act”.
(2) This Act was authored by Sen. Venom
(3) This Act was proposed by Rep. Martytje1234567
(4) This Act was co-sponsored by Sen. LilNickiVert, Rep. Ersy05
(5) This Act has been approved by the Department of Justice Secretary Elainathomas29
(6) This Act has been approved by the Department of State Secretary Twixed
(7) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 – Purpose
(1) Due to recent events, it has been uncovered that is there a lot missing from within law surrounding warrants and what can and can't be done with them.

3 - Terms
(1) All warrants must be submitted on the forums
(2) If the warrant needs to be filled under a closed court, a record of it still must be made with the title and body of the text mentioning that it is a closed court case.
(3) All closed court cases must be run through the Department of Justice Secretary or Deputy to proceed with the case. Without written approval, from the Secretary or Deputy, the court case will not proceed.
a. If the Secretary and Deputy of the Department of Justice cannot see the warrant based on possible bias or if the warrant is for them, the sergeant requesting the warrant will need approval from the Department of State Secretary or Deputy. Without written approval, from the Secretary or Deputy, the court case will not proceed.
b. The Department of Justice Secretary or Deputy may request to see the written approval from the Secretary or Deputy of the Department of State.
(4) Any warrants requested outside the respected forum will automatically be declared null void.
(5) Any warrants requesting the personal messages via 3rd party apps, such as discord, will automatically be declared null void.

4 – Punishments
(1) Any Judge or Justice member found to be accepting warrants without the proper approval may be trailed under: 16.1 – Corruption and removed from office.
(2) Any Sergeant found to be requesting unlawful warrants will be warned once, and if committed again removed from their position.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

