Write A Sentence That Is One Word Longer Than The Previous


3rd Anniversary Change Maker Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle
May 10, 2022
It does not have to be an addon to the previous sentence, just one word longer (and ONLY one word longer). It must be coherent (e.g. no bogus words like "aniofidnfaon").

For example, if someone said, "I like cheese" a potential next sentence could be "I actually like chocolate" but could not be "I like ifnsadofna cheese" or "I like cheese and chocolate."

I'll go first:

Hello there.
Hello there Kenobi.
Continuations are not necessary.
I DimpledRobin 100% Support LGBTQIA Rights
Some may say that's not a complete sentence.
Others might say that it is a complete sentence.
That belief is understandable, but I simply must not agree.
Purple dinosaurs are usually named Barney, but not the Redmont Purple Dinosaur.
Some may say I suck at law, But they'll
get sued for slander
My sentence is fourteen words long, but your peepee is less than fourteen millimeters.
Five hundred million cars exist on this planet, but you have less than five hundred million brain cells.
these lines of words make
a haiku, here is more words:
tech's mom is quite nice
The last person who posted a reply to this post, posted it over a whole year ago.
The man ate ketchup, sausage, potato, chicken, chicken soup, bacon, fried eggs, big mac, margarita pizza and pepperoni pizza.
the boy ate mac and cheese hamburger pepperoni pizza olive apple orange mashed potato
Oh wait manliness sheeeeeeeesh roryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
appppppppppppppppppppppppplllllllleeeeeeeee Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Existence is quite the thing to happen to someone.
Existence is quite the thing to happen, isn't it, to exist is to live, yes.
Do you want to have a horrible time as in which you have done to others


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In silence, find the answers you seek, the force speaks softly, yet carries the weight of worlds.

--- Master Yoda