Recent content by WackJap

  1. WackJap

    Educational Purposes

    Educational Purposes
  2. WackJap

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. zLost [2023] FCR 108

    idk maybe a solid couple irl years now
  3. WackJap

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. zLost [2023] FCR 108

    1. Yep 2.Yep 3. It's funny and only slightly annoying for the victim because I'm a nice guy like that. I keep a special rod just for this purpose. In the past, I would use it as a method for the hooked player to attack me first out of annoyance so I could kill them in self-defense. In the...
  4. WackJap

    Lawsuit: Adjourned AlexanderLove v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] DCR 1

    your honor at risk of getting held in contempt i went ahead and cleaned it up for ya
  5. WackJap

    Lawsuit: Dismissed The Commonwealth of Redmont v. WackJap [2023] DCR 36

    What the [EXPLETIVE]! I've funking had it. I'll see you in court. I want to speak to my lawyer. AND I plead the fifth.
  6. WackJap

    Count to 1,000,000

  7. WackJap

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Royblue2 suing WackJap

    go get a lawyer
  8. WackJap

    Election Presidential Elections - JUNE 2023

    I, WackJap, declare that I will be contesting the Office of President. My Vice Presidential running mate will be determined by raffle. I will be running as an independent. Edit: I've been told to choose a VP or my candidacy isn't valid. Psypio, I choose you.
  9. WackJap

    Election Council Elections - MARCH 2023

    I, WackJap, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Head of Commerce as an Independent.
  10. WackJap

    Executive Order Executive Order - 8/23 The Burge Purge

    Thank you Rurge, very cool
  11. WackJap

    Election Presidential Elections - FEBRUARY 2023

    I, WackJap, declare that I will be contesting the Office of President. My Vice Presidential running mate will be ko531. I will be running as an independent, and not looking to get impeached. Prbly.