Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. zLost [2023] FCR 108

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Justice Department
Construction & Transport Department
Oakridge Resident
Presidential Commendation Order of Redmont Impeached Staff
Jul 22, 2020

The Commonwealth of Redmont



The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:

On December 16th zLost made the intentional decision to harass and assault a member of our community. In retaliation to MrFluffy2u94 winning a DCT auction, zLost went on a multi-day Tirade in which he not only trespassed onto the property but also assaulted, harassed, and inevitably murdered MrFluffy2u94 multiple times.

I. Parties
1. The Commonwealth of Redmont (plaintiff)
1. MrFluffy2u94 (victim)
2. zLost (defendant)

II. Facts
1. On December 15th, MrFluffy2u94 legally won an auction granting him ownership of a property C024 C025 C026.
2. After the auction zlost demanded that the property be vaulted and insulted MrFluffy2u94 multiple times in the process including calling MrFluffy2u94 his “puppet.”
3. On december 16th, after refusing zLost plea’s MrFluffy2u94 began his legal demolition of his own property.
4. After seeing that his pleas were ignored zlost entered the property and began to confront MrFluffy2u94.
5. MrFluffy2u94 requested zLost to leave, zLost refused to leave and instead began assaulting MrFluffy2u94 for multiple days including a multitude of harassment and inevitably killing him multiple times.
MrFluffy2u94, on multiple occasions, begged zLost to stop, but zLost did not listen and continued to assault him and call him his “slave.”

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1. 2 Counts Harassment - Due to zLost’s obscene disorderly conduct towards the victim, he put them in two days of perceived anguish and terror.
2. 2 Counts Serial Harassment - Due to the nature in which the accused didn't leave MrFluffy2u94 alone upon request when compared to serial murder, it would equate to serial harassment.
3. 2 Counts Trespassing - The Defendant was asked multiple times to leave and to get off of MrFluffy2u94's property These actions occured over the duration of 2 days.

IV. Sentencing
The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:

1. Due to the sheer intensity, unrelenting, and resentfulness harassment the victim had to suffer as well as the massive disturbance to not just the victim's life but to the peace of Redmont, the prosecution will be recommending the sentencing of $10,000 and 20 minutes in jail per count totaling up to $20,000 and 40 minutes in jail.
2. The accused be considered a serial criminal offender if convicted, and the fines be doubled according to the ‘Standardized Criminal Code Act’
3. The prosecution requests that the defendant be charged $100 + 5 minutes in jail per count, totaling up to $200 and 10 minutes in jail.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 22 day of December 2023

@zLost is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of Commonwealth of Redmont v. zLost.

Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Given the deadline ends on Christmas Day I will be granting a 48 hour extension to the summons. Happy Holidays.

After the auction zlost demanded that the property be vaulted and insulted MrFluffy2u94 multiple times in the process including calling MrFluffy2u94 his “puppet.”

Not once did the Defendant demand MrFluffy2u94 to vault the building, the Defendant simply gave a suggestion to the Plaintiff who said they would demolish the building when asked by Yeet_Boy to not destroy the building. Following this, the Plaintiff falsely accused the Defendant of bribing. Along with this, the Defendant never insulted the Plaintiff multiple times while trying to convince them to vault the building, only calling them a puppet once.

MrFluffy2u94 requested zLost to leave, zLost refused to leave and instead began assaulting MrFluffy2u94 for multiple days including a multitude of harassment and inevitably killing him multiple times.

This also never happened in the span of multiple days. The actions described by the Plaintiff happened over the course of less than 6 hours.


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The Prosecution has 24 hours to respond to the objection. If an extension is needed it will end after the Holidays.
Your Honor,

The defendant states:
Not once did the Defendant demand MrFluffy2u94 to vault the building, the Defendant simply gave a suggestion to the Plaintiff who said they would demolish the building when asked by Yeet_Boy to not destroy the building. Following this, the Plaintiff falsely accused the Defendant of bribing. Along with this, the Defendant never insulted the Plaintiff multiple times while trying to convince them to vault the building, only calling them a puppet once.
Demand is defined as "An insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right." - The defendant further provided evidence proving that his request was made in a demanding manner as he not only asked the victim to do it once, but twice, and offered to pay the victim to change his mind in requesting a staff member to vault the plot. In turn the defendant was attempting to change the mind and was insistent on doing so by asking multiple times and wanting to pay money to ensure the task was considered.

The defendant further states:
This also never happened in the span of multiple days. The actions described by the Plaintiff happened over the course of less than 6 hours.
It is rather clear in Evidence A & B that the defendant had the harassment of the individual started on 15 December 2023 and carried into the morning of 16 December 2023.

Thank you for your time.


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The Objection is overruled, although evidence was not provided as to whether zLost called them a puppet, the underlying argument within it is that the Defendant did not demand the MrFluffy2U94 to vault the building. This was proven false within the evidence provided by the Defendant.

As for the second section of the argument the evidence does clearly show that it did in fact take over a period of days and was longer than 6 hours on the Discord side alone. Although the "multiple days" part of the complaint is a bit of a stretch, for the time zone the Defendant provided shows it taking place over a period of days.

I would like to remind the Defendant that they have about 57 hours remaining. Happy Holidays to both the Prosecution and the Defense.

The word used by the Plaintiff was "assault", not harass, and nothing was mentioned about discord. The wording used by the Plaintiff also says that I attacked them in-game over a period of multiple days, not talking about anything discord related.
Motion to Reconsider is overruled whether in game or on Discord harassment can take place in both places. Evidence the Defense provided also shows that Discord is a factor within this case thus contradicting this very Motion.

Harassment can also take shape in many different forms such as, constant messaging, constant killing, etc. Assuming there is constant assault this would be Harassment still.
The Objection is overruled, although evidence was not provided as to whether zLost called them a puppet, the underlying argument within it is that the Defendant did not demand the MrFluffy2U94 to vault the building. This was proven false within the evidence provided by the Defendant.

As for the second section of the argument the evidence does clearly show that it did in fact take over a period of days and was longer than 6 hours on the Discord side alone. Although the "multiple days" part of the complaint is a bit of a stretch, for the time zone the Defendant provided shows it taking place over a period of days.

I would like to remind the Defendant that they have about 57 hours remaining. Happy Holidays to both the Prosecution and the Defense.
Your Honor,

We believe the time frame has come and gone by excessive time. Could we please get an update on this? (I am fairly sure my maths is right)
Motion to Reconsider is overruled whether in game or on Discord harassment can take place in both places. Evidence the Defense provided also shows that Discord is a factor within this case thus contradicting this very Motion.

Harassment can also take shape in many different forms such as, constant messaging, constant killing, etc. Assuming there is constant assault this would be Harassment still.
Your Honor, I apologize for this but you haven't addressed what I said at all. I said that the word harassment isn't used at all, instead you have responded by justifying that it is harassment when that is not relevant at all.
The Motion to Reconsider will still stand.
I will also be allotting a final 24 hours for a Motion to Dismiss or an Answer to Complaint. If the Defendant fails to provide either a Contempt of Court charge will be placed.
Motions and Objections are neither of these and we will be moving onto Discovery given the Defendant did show up.

The defence move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:
1. Trespassing is not an indictable offence, and is a summary offence. The defendant was also charged with murder multiple times, and murder overrides trespassing. Thus, they shouldn't be persecuted for trespassing.
2. As such, the court does not have jurisdiction over this case. The motions guides states that if the court doesn't have jurisdiction over the case, the case can be dismissed.

DATED: This 30th day of December 2023
The Prosecution has 72 hours to provide a rebuttal to the Motion to Dismiss.
Your Honor, I apologize for this but I wanted to add something to the motion to dismiss. I was in a hurry last night and as such wrote it in a rush and forgot this crucial part in the motion to dismiss. I've put what I wanted to add in a spoiler below, if you accept my request then consider it and if you don't then don't.

If your honor believes the entire case shouldn't be thrown out due to the Commonwealth simply putting trespassing probably by accident, the case can be dismissed without prejudice to allow the Commonwealth to re-file the case properly.

Your Honor,

The Defendant is merely attempting to get this case dismissed against him to avoid accountability for his actions.

1. Trespassing is not an indictable offence, and is a summary offence. The defendant was also charged with murder multiple times, and murder overrides trespassing. Thus, they shouldn't be persecuted for trespassing.

While yes the law specific to trespassing is not listed as an indictable offense, it is still a law that is within the scope of the DLA for prosecution. The Standardized Criminal Code Act (SCCA) states, "Punishments for an Indictable Criminal Offense must be proven in a trial." However, the SCCA does not mandate that summary offenses cannot be pressured within the court. We, as a relevant Government Department, are charging the defendant with trespassing and intend to provide beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant did, in fact, trespass. Instead of charging informally, we are charging him directly. Instead of wearing a police uniform, we wear suits and present the charge within the courtroom.

2. As such, the court does not have jurisdiction over this case. The motions guides states that if the court doesn't have jurisdiction over the case, the case can be dismissed.

While the defendant believes that the court is limited in its jurisdiction and the standing of cases, it can and cannot hear, the DLA firmly believes that the court is able to hear any case should it have merit. Clearly, the DLA has merit in the case, or the defendant would have filed his motion to dismiss the other key items on our case rather than a small trespass charge, as we have previously stated and will reinforce. The SCCA only dictates what is required to be heard by the court and does not limit what can be prosecuted if it's not listed. If the DLA believes we can meet the proof requirements outlined under the prosecution authority, we have the ability to do so.

In conclusion...
Your Honor, The JSA states that the court has jurisdiction over all cases that result in summary OFFENSES where an individual has a combined fine of over $2000." The offenses we are alleging The defendant committed are interconnected infractions that involved the weaving of both the summary offenses and the indictable offense. As such, The sentencing we are recommending combined is well over $2000. Further, if the judiciary does not agree with our agree with our interpretation. The possibility of dismissing one of the claims would be preferable over dismissing the entire case.
The Motion to Dismiss is hereby overruled with the primary reasoning as to why being, the Courts can be used to charge someone with Trespassing, Murder, or other if it is repeat offenses. The Motion to Dismiss also provides no real reason besides removing a charge which is not what a Motion to Dismiss is meant for.

Primarily the image below strikes the entire Motion to Dismiss which is the primary reasoning for the Motion being overruled.

With that, we will be moving onto Discovery which will last 7 days or if both sides agree we can end it early.
Your Honor, the Defence wishes to end discovery early.
Your Honor,

The prosecution would like to enter the following exhibits as evidence. (Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G)

Exhibit F:

Exhibit G:

The prosecution further files no protest to concluding Discovery early.


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Your Honor,

The prosecution wishes to file a plea agreement entered in by the defendant. The prosecution has agreed to the plea, which is as follows.

The defendant agrees to plead guilty to 1 count of harassment and pays 5k with no jail time attached.

If your honor doesn't want to accept the plea deal, we also agree to end the discovery phase early.
Can the Defense confirm?
Yes, Your Honor
Your honor,

The prosecution wishes to retract the plea deal originally offered to the defendant. As information has arise to the prosecution that the information offered was of a false nature and when requesting further information in regards to the arranged information transfer the defendants representation in the conversation has gone dark, and the account is no longer contactable by the prosecution.

In this turn of events, the prosecution wishes to fully retract the plea agreement, outlined above, and maintain the original case, filing charges against the defendant.

Deeply saddens me that I have to inform the court of these actions.
Very well, would you still like to end Discovery early?
Yes your honor.
Would the Defense also like to end Discovery early?
Your Honor,

Respectfully, the defense is the party who initially requested to end discovery early; we merely agree with their original request.
Apologies, I didn't notice the message from earlier. We will be moving onto Opening Statements, the Prosecution has 72 hours to provide theirs.

Your Honor,

Today, we gather here to seek justice for a person who, like any of us, deserves to live their life without fear of harassment and intimidation. Our client, a hardworking individual who sought to go about their daily affairs, became the target of a campaign of harassment that no one should ever have to endure. Picture a serene neighborhood, where one would expect to feel safe and secure. However, our client found themselves thrust into a nightmare orchestrated by the defendant, zLost.

On a quiet city block of Reveille, a place where the normal hustle and bustle of commercial activity happens. The victim (MrFluffy2u94) was subjected to a relentless onslaught of harassment. Various messages, chilling and threatening, invaded their personal space. The haunting whispers echoed through the air of the surrounding areas, turning this peaceful commercial property into a place of dread. This wasn't just a one-time event but a systematic campaign designed to break our client's spirits and strip away their sense of security.

Imagine the fear that gripped them, the sleepless nights spent wondering if they were being watched if their every move was being scrutinized. This is not a work of fiction; this is the reality the victim (MrFluffy2u94) faced, an innocent person caught in the crosshairs of zLost's malevolent intentions.

Now, as we delve into the legal aspect of this case, it's crucial to understand the gravity of the charges brought against the defendant. Harassment is not merely a social inconvenience; it is a violation of the very fabric that holds our society together. The laws that govern this case exist to protect individuals from the torment and anguish inflicted upon them by those who seek to sow discord.

As we proceed, you'll come to appreciate the significance of these laws, as they serve as a shield against the erosion of personal safety and well-being. The statutes we rely upon today are not mere words on paper; they embody the collective will of society to ensure that no one lives in perpetual fear and that no one falls victim to the predatory actions of another.

Our case against zLost stands firm on the grounds of two counts of Harassment, two counts of Serial Harassment, and two counts of Trespassing. The evidence we present will demonstrate a calculated pattern of behavior, a deliberate and sustained effort by the defendant to instill fear and discomfort in the victim's (MrFluffy2u94) life.

Through a meticulous examination of evidence submitted by the victim and testimony from expert witnesses, we will unravel the narrative of persistent harassment. We will establish the chilling fact that this is not an isolated incident but a recurring nightmare the victim (MrFluffy2u94) has been forced to endure. The evidence will reveal the defendant's intentional disregard for boundaries, as they trespassed on the victim's property, leaving them feeling violated and vulnerable.

In the end, the case before you is not just about punishing zLost; it is about upholding the values that make our society a haven for its citizens. It is about sending a clear message that harassment, in any form, will not be tolerated and that those who seek to undermine the peace and security of others will be held accountable for their actions.

As we embark on this journey together, I ask you to remember the gravity of the charges, the impact on the victim (MrFluffy2u94) lives, and the responsibility we share in ensuring that justice prevails.

DATED: This 3 day of January 2024
Thank you, the Defense has 72 hours to provide their Opening Statement.
Breach of procedure

Your Honor,

The defendant violated Rule 6.6 (response times). The prosecution allowed an additional 24 hours to meet this deadline. Since the defendant has repeatedly ignored the timeframe, the prosecution asks not to allow further requests for extension.

**EDIT: Improperly formatted before submitting formatted as an objection**
Your Honor, I apologize for this but I request a 72 hour extension. I am in a new house with no internet and can barely access the forums, being only able to log on for 1-2 hours every 2-3 days.
I will not be granting the extension as not only was it in fact beyond the deadline but also after the Prosecution put forward an Objection which I will also be granting.

We will now be moving onto Witnesses which both sides have 72 hours to provide Witnesses. Given none were listed in Discovery summons will come later.
Your Honor,

The prosecution would like to call the following individuals within their respective positions and titles.

1. MrFluffy2u55 - The Victim
2. Captain xAntho_ny - Expert Officer Witness (DOJ)
3. WackJap - Expert Criminal Witness
4. zLost - Accused
The defence has no witnesses
Alright, I will issue summons momentarily.

@MrFluffy2U94 @Anthony @WackJap are required to appear before the court in the case of the Commonwealth of Redmont v. zLost as Witnesses. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in Contempt of Court.​
I am present your honor.
The Prosecution may start questioning all Witnesses.
MrFluffy2u55 - Questions
1. Where you excited to begin working on your freshly purchased property?
2. Did the defendant (most) cause you distress in his actions of repeatedly disturbing you while on your property?

xAntho_ny - Questions
1. What is considered to be disorderly behavior?

WackJap - Questions
1. Would you say you are a reasonably known criminal within the inner workings of the criminal underworld?
2. Would you say that criminals find pleasure in disturbing individuals who give a reaction to a disturbance?
3. Why do you enjoy using your fishing rod and randomly hooking people in public?

zLost - Questions
1. Why were you at the victim's property?
xAntho_ny - Questions
1. What is considered to be disorderly behavior?
Disorderly behavior is conduct that disrupts public order, peace, and/or the safety of others.
MrFluffy2u55 - Questions
1. Where you excited to begin working on your freshly purchased property?
2. Did the defendant (most) cause you distress in his actions of repeatedly disturbing you while on your property?

1. Yes, I was rather excited to begun my new project, as the plots themselves had incredible potential given their proximity to spawn, and the beautiful views over the ocean.

2. yes, the defendant did cause me distress through his actions.
MrFluffy2u55 - Questions
1. Where you excited to begin working on your freshly purchased property?
2. Did the defendant (most) cause you distress in his actions of repeatedly disturbing you while on your property?

xAntho_ny - Questions
1. What is considered to be disorderly behavior?

WackJap - Questions
1. Would you say you are a reasonably known criminal within the inner workings of the criminal underworld?
2. Would you say that criminals find pleasure in disturbing individuals who give a reaction to a disturbance?
3. Why do you enjoy using your fishing rod and randomly hooking people in public?

zLost - Questions
1. Why were you at the victim's property?
1. Yep
3. It's funny and only slightly annoying for the victim because I'm a nice guy like that. I keep a special rod just for this purpose.
In the past, I would use it as a method for the hooked player to attack me first out of annoyance so I could kill them in self-defense.
In the present, I just use it to simulate mugging people and asking them to pay me $1.


1. Yes, I was rather excited to begun my new project, as the plots themselves had incredible potential given their proximity to spawn, and the beautiful views over the ocean.

2. yes, the defendant did cause me distress through his actions.
Follow-up Questions
1.1 Would you say being killed repeatedly and consistently being disturbed is annoying?
1. Yep
3. It's funny and only slightly annoying for the victim because I'm a nice guy like that. I keep a special rod just for this purpose.
In the past, I would use it as a method for the hooked player to attack me first out of annoyance so I could kill them in self-defense.
In the present, I just use it to simulate mugging people and asking them to pay me $1.

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Follow-up Questions
1.1 How long have you conducted yourself within the criminal underworld? This can be an estimate if you don't remember exactly how long.
Follow-up Questions
1.1 How long have you conducted yourself within the criminal underworld? This can be an estimate if you don't remember exactly how long.
idk maybe a solid couple irl years now
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