The Motion to Dismiss is sustained, based on Lack of Claim. The Plaintiff provided no evidence supporting their claims that the statements made were false. Since the burden of proof falls on the Plaintiff, there is no way for the Plaintiff to prove, even in a balance of probabilities, that the...
You're now 71 hours late on the Response to the Motion to Dismiss and over 24 hours late on the Opening Statement.
Dragon Law Firm is hereby found in Contempt of Court for failing to provide these filings. I will be sentencing later today once I find out how many times the law firm has been...
Approved for both the Motion to Dismiss Response and Opening Statement, as I want the Response to the Motion prior to Opening Statements.
I'd also inform both parties that I'm still waiting for another Judge to review the Motion to Recuse. I informed the rest of the Judiciary just minutes after...
I am dismissing this case without prejudice, as we cannot require all Defendants to retain the same counsel.
You may refile the case against each Defendant individually.
I also find Nexalin in Contempt of Court for failing to provide an Answer, if this is his first or second offense, the DHS should fine/jail him as prescribed by law. If it is the third or later, a $500 fine suffices.
Motion denied, as there is no bias nor appearance of it. Both sides have acted completely ridiculous in this case, and I will not allow it.
End has written his magnum opus on bbcode and background colors and been punished (thrice) for his disruptions. Dragon Law has wasted the court's time and...
You're being ridiculous. Even if this was sustained, the Defense would simply resubmit the exact same information without highlights.
This is a courtroom, not a circus. This issue has been decided on.
Objection overruled, as I was going to ask him to answer.
End, you're already on thin ice with speaking out of turn. Please refrain from doing so again.
I will clarify the precedent: Evidence tampered with in such a way to cause significant difficulty in viewing it, such as opaque ink covering text, is generally not permitted.
A highlight to emphasize something causes no difficulty and hides nothing.
I will not strike the completely...
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