Report Congressional Transparency Report (October 4th - October 17th)

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Former President
Legal Eagle President Trifecta
May 29, 2020
Transparency Report




Authorised by~

The Office of the Speaker

Press Assistant

First Day of The 3rd Congress
Representatives Elected:
(DRP) Krix
(DRP) _Dark_Helmet_ (Removed)
(DRP) William Addington (Resigned)
(SPP) The_MarxSisters (Resigned)
(DRP) EmoTrash (Banned)
Utahcwboy1 (Resigned)
(DRP) nutzucer

Senators Elected:
(DRP) Hugebob23456
(DRP) _Zab_
(DRP) zLost (Resigned)
(NAP) JB3335

3rd Congress

Representatives Currently:
(DRP) Krix (Speaker)

(DRP) Nutzucer
(DRP) budgetmich
(IND) CorbinJC
(IND) SpriteTropical

Senators Currently:

(DRP) Hugebob23456 (President Pro Tempore)
(DRP) _Zab_
(NAP) JB3335
(LRP) Dusty


Ongoings in Congress
During the 5th Week

Krix proposed a special election to fill former Senator zLost’s seat. This vote passed with 3 Ayes.
Aye: Technofied, Hugebob, Zab

Votation opened up in the House for the following bills: Eminent Domain Act, Acting Representative Act, Election Transparency Act, and Job Exclusivity Act. All of the bills are currently pending with the current votes.

Eminent Domain:

  • Aye: Krix, M_Lasai, Nutzucer
  • Nay: Spritetropical, CorbinJC, budgetmich
Acting Representative Act:
  • Aye: Spritetropical, Krix, Nutzucer, budgetmich
  • Nay: M_Lasai
Election Transparency Act:
  • Aye: Spritetropical, Krix, M_Lasai, Nutzucer
  • Nay: budgetmich
Job Exclusivity Act:
  • Aye: Krix, Nutzucer, CorbinJC, budgetmich
  • Nay: Spritetropical, M_Lasai

Nothing of note

Krix remarks that the main reason the bills aren’t passing is that the House is still waiting on some of their reps to vote. He calls out Representative Ronsampaul for not voting.

Krix motions to censure Nutzucer for inactivity, disengagement, and failure to vote on bills. The motion passed with the following votes:
Aye: Krix, Spritetropical, budgetmich
Nay: Nutzucer M_Lasai, CorbinJC

Speaker Krix motions to censure Ronsampaul for inactivity, disengagement, and failure to vote on bills. The motion passed with the following votes:
Aye: Krix, Spritetropical, budgetmich, Nutzucer, M_Lasai, CorbinJC

The Constitutional Repair Act II passes and became law.

Senator Hugebob motions to the Senate to edit the Jurisdiction Act to be more inclusive for non-discord users. This passed with the following votes:
Aye: Hugebob, Dusty (happened after the fact), Zab

Dusty is elected as the 4th Senator.
Senator Hugebob motions to the Senate to edit the Drug Liberalization Act to remove its breach of political communication. This passed with the following votes:
Aye: Hugebob, Dusty (happened after the fact), Zab

Senator Hugebob motions to the Senate to edit the Jurisdiction Act due to some sections being staff jurisdiction. This passed with the following votes:

Aye: Hugebob, Dusty, Zab

Representative M_Lasai proposes to the House to adopt Hugebob’s edits to the Drug Liberalization Act made on 7/10. This passed with the following votes:

Aye: Spritetropical, Nutzucer, Krix, M_Lasai, CorbinJC, budgetmich

Senator Hugebob proposes to the Senate to edit the Drug Liberalization Act to make Marijuana Plant and Coca Plant legal and Opium Poppy illegal. This passed with the following votes:

Aye: Hugebob, Dusty, Zab
Ongoings in Congress
During the 6th Week

Representative M_Lasai proposes to the House to reject Hugebob’s edits to the Jurisdiction Act made on 7/10. This passed with the following votes:

Aye: Spritetropical, Nutzucer, Krix, M_Lasai, CorbinJC, budgetmich

Representative M_Lasai proposes to the House to adopt Hugebob’s edits to the Drug Liberalization Act made on 9/10. This passed with the following votes:

Aye: Nutzucer, Krix, M_Lasai, CorbinJC, budgetmich
Nay: Spritetropical

Senator Dusty and Representative M_Lasai discuss Dusty’s proposed Slander Bill, with M_Lasai claiming it would be open for exploitation while Dusty claimed it’s to prevent lying and reputation ruining. The discussion gets heated when M_Lasai mentions how Dusty sued him in the past for slander, with Dusty defending his lawsuit. [Screenshot]

Senator Dusty calls out Senator JB3335 on his inactivity.

Representative Nutzucer apologizes for his lack of activity, citing personal private reasons.

Representative M_Lasai proposes to the House to edit the Defamation Act to have polls and “other forms of asking questions” to be exempt from punishment. This passed with the following votes:

Aye: Spritetropical, Nutzucer, Krix, M_Lasai, CorbinJC, budgetmich

Senator Dusty expressed his displeasure over the DOJ Secretary for handcuffing a citizen and leaving them in the wild. He decided not to subpoena because he expected the next president to appoint a new DOJ Secretary.

Representative Krix motioned to the House to remove Representative Ronsampaul due to inactivity, disengagement, and failure to vote on bills as it hinders congress’s ability to function. This passed with the following votes:

Aye: Spritetropical, Krix, CorbinJC, budgetmich
Abstain: Nutzucer

The senate discussed the current cabinet and which secretaries should continue once a new president is sworn in and which secretaries shouldn’t continue. Hugebob said that the likely vacancies will be from the DOH (dox), the DOJ (the_marx_sisters), and the DPA (thire), with the rest of the secretaries staying in office.

M_Lasai (Dark_Helmet) Controversy
(this has been given its own section due to the great importance the Press Assistant believes it has)

At 2:14 PM EST, Representative M_Lasai started a peculiar auction in the DC Bid Discord Channel. It immediately garnered a lot of interest. It stated the following: [Link]. Although this got a few bids, it was shortly shut down for being illegitimate.
Senator Hugebob motioned for a censure against Represenative M_Lasai for the following: “Corruption. M_Lasai is very publicly and very literally auctioning off his membership in the House of Representatives to the highest monetary bid.” The censure quickly passed with the following votes:
Aye: Hugebob, Dusty, Zab

Senator Dusty even remarked, “If he doesn’t leave, we sue,” referring to if Representative M_Lasai doesn’t resign, he will get sued. The following conversation took place in #congressional-chat:

Representative M_Lasai got sued by the Secretary of State, Nacho for his corruption. [Link] The lawsuit was quickly adjourned with M_Lasai being ordered to publicly apologize for his actions, having to pay $5000 in fines, and barred from running in an election for two months.

Representative M_Lasai was removed from his position.

Senator Dusty motioned to censure The_Marx_Sisters in the Senate for falsely documented criminal records. Dusty got into a heated discussion with Technofied about the validity of the censure. [Link-1] [Link-2]

Vice President Doxxx nominated Nacho in the Senate for Secretary of the Department of State, with the motion passing with the following votes:

Aye: Hugebob, Dusty, Zab

Vice President Doxxx nominated Block86 in the Senate for Secretary of the Department of Construction and Transport, Technofied for Secretary of the Department of Education and Commerce, Muffins29 for the Department of Public Affairs, Doxxx for Secretary of the Department of Health, and Rainalyn for Secretary of the Department of Environment and Recreation. This passed with the following votes:

Aye: Hugebob, Dusty, Zab

Vice President Doxxx announced President Pro Tempore elections for the Senate. Senator Hugebob declared he’s contesting for the position.

Senator Hugebob was made President Pro Tempore as he was the only one to contest the position.

Nothing of note

Representative Ronsampaul was unanimously voted out by the House, for inactive and failure to do his job.

Congress is currently looking to fill the two seat vacancies left by M_Lasai and Ronsampaul.

If you have any questions please contact Speaker Krix or Press Assistant Mhadsher101.

Thank you for reading.
Office of the

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