Lawsuit: Adjourned The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Wetc [2024] FCR 68

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Redmont School of Law
Construction & Transport Department
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Jan 7, 2024

The Commonwealth of Redmont



The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:

In the Federal court case of Steveshat v. Keystone Holdings [2024] FCR 27, the defendant, Wetc, provided their attorney with falsified evidence (Exhibit A) in an attempt to sway the case in their favor. This screenshot, supplied by the defendant's legal team, was deliberately created to obstruct justice and secure a favorable ruling for the defense. Although concerns regarding the authenticity of the screenshot were initially raised by the opposing counsel, they were unfortunately overlooked, leading to the dismissal of the case. The alleged crime came to the attention of the Commonwealth through a third party, prompting an active investigation. Evidence has come to light indicating that the defendant engaged in perjury, fraud, and obstruction of justice. The fake evidence presented by the defendant purported to be a conversation from a third-party Discord server involving a malfunctioning bot. This conversation was manipulated in an attempt to provide grounds for the defendant's legal victory. Exhibit B and B2 includes a screenshot depicting a conversation between an DLA member (we wish not to leak) and the staff member from the faked screenshot from the bot's server. Upon examination, it is evident that the staff member never made the statements attributed to them in the public channel titled "further_assistance." Exhibit C contains a screenshot from the third-party server, demonstrating a search of the channel for the alleged message from the staff member to the defendant. These exhibits collectively illustrate the defendant's flagrant disregard for the truth and their willingness to manipulate evidence to achieve a favorable outcome. Such actions constitute a breach of the principles of justice and merit appropriate legal consequences.

  1. The Commonwealth of Redmont
  2. Wetc

  1. The defendant fabricated a conversation purportedly between themselves and a staff member of a third-party server, discussing a malfunctioning Discord bot.

  2. The defendant provided this falsified evidence to their legal counsel with the intention of deceiving the court, aiming to manipulate the outcome of the case through fraudulent means.

  3. Despite the opposing counsel raising concerns about the authenticity of the evidence, the issue was unfortunately disregarded or overlooked during the proceedings.

  4. The defendant's primary objective in presenting the fake evidence was to obstruct justice, seeking to evade accountability and secure a dismissal of the case. This attempt proved successful, as the case was indeed dismissed based on the presented evidence.

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
  1. Perjury: The Defendant is charged with committing perjury under the Corruption and Espionage Offenses Act. This charge stems from the Defendant's deliberate act of presenting fabricated evidence to their legal counsel, with the intention of submitting it to the courts as genuine.

  2. Fraud: The Defendant is charged with fraud under the Commercial Standard Act. This allegation arises from the Defendant's deliberate misrepresentation of the falsified evidence to both their legal counsel and the Redmont Federal Court. By knowingly presenting false evidence, the Defendant sought to deceive the court and manipulate the outcome of the case.

  3. Obstruction of Justice: The Defendant is charged with obstructing justice under the Savior Act. This charge is based on the Defendant's use of the forged evidence to influence the courts into dismissing the case in their favor. By engaging in this act of obstruction, the Defendant sought to impede the administration of justice and evade accountability for their actions.
The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
  1. Perjury: The Prosecution requests that the court impose a fine of $45,000 and a sentence of 40 minutes of jail time for the Defendant's conviction on one count of perjury. This penalty reflects the severity of the offense and serves as a deterrent against future acts of dishonesty in legal proceedings.

  2. Fraud: For the conviction on one count of fraud, the Prosecution recommends a fine of $10,000 and a sentence of 10 minutes of jail time. This penalty is intended to hold the Defendant accountable for their deceitful actions and to emphasize the importance of honesty and integrity in legal matters.

  3. Obstruction of Justice: The Prosecution suggests that the court issue a verbal warning to the Defendant for the conviction on one count of obstruction of justice.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 3rd day of May 2024



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@wetc is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Wetc.

Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
I plead no contest. (if thats a thing idk)
Since the defendant has plead no contest to the charges presented by the Commonwealth of Redmont, the court will now go into recess pending a verdict.



The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Wetc [2024] FCR 68

1. The prosecution alleges that the defendant is guilty of 1 act of perjury, 1 act of fraud and 1 act of obstruction of justice due to their role in fabricating evidence and providing it to their council for use in a lawsuit.

1. The defendant has opted to plea no contest.

1. To start, it is important to understand what a "no contest" or nolo contendre plea means. A plea of no contest essentially means that the defendant does not wish to plea guilty or not-guilty, and does not contest or wish to argue the charges presented. Again, this is NOT an admission of guilt, nor an argument of innocence.

Being that the defendant does not wish to contest the charges, I must take into consideration all of the evidence provided by the prosecution. Being that the prosecution has reached out a member of staff on the discords page, and searched the discord channel for the message and did not find a match, it seems to indicate that the evidence was perhaps tampered with and fabricated by the defendant as claimed. Couple that with the defendant's plea of no contest, this court finds it beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did in fact tamper with or fabricate the evidence previously provided, and the prosecutions burden of proof met.

That being said, we must examine each charge individually.

1. 1 Count of Perjury - After review of the charges and the case that was referenced, the defendant's attorney did provide this evidence in court, allegedly receiving it from the defendant. The Corruption and Espionage Offenses Act defines perjury as "The act of giving knowingly incorrect testimony in Court." Based on the fact that one's attorney acts on behalf of their client, this court finds the defendant GUILTY on 1 count of Perjury.

2. 1 Count of Fraud - Per the Judicial Standards Act, fraud is defined as "An intentional or reckless misrepresentation or omission of an important fact, especially a material one, to a victim who justifiably relies on that misrepresentation; and the victim party or entity suffered actual, quantifiable injury or damages as a result of the misrepresentation or omission." As determined above, the prosecution has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did intentionally misrepresent an important fact that lead to the plaintiff's case being dismissed, which cost them a large sum of money. Based on this, the court finds the defendant GUILTY on 1 count of Fraud.

3. 1 Count of Obstruction of Justice - Obstruction of Justice is defined as "Willfully interfering with the process of justice through influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, police officer or by providing false information." Again, as described above, the prosecution has met the burden of proof showing that the defendant did in fact provide false information, and there are no indications that this was not a willful act, therefore this court finds the defendant GUILTY on 1 Obstruction of Justice.

In sentencing, the court must take into account the request from the prosecution and consider the no contest plea from the defendant with deciding an appropriate sentence. This court is appreciative of the defendant's conscious effort to not waste the court or states time with a trial, but also must consider that they did not show remorse nor confess to the crimes allegedly committed. Therefore, the court will enact the following sentencing:

1. For 1 count of Perjury - This court shall impose a fine of $25,000 and a sentence of 25 minutes of jail time for the Defendant's conviction on one count of perjury.

2. For 1 count of Fraud - This court shall impose a fine of $10,000 and a sentence of 10 minutes of jail time.

3. For 1 count of Obstruction of Justice - Since this is the defendants first offense, the punishment shall be a warning. Therefore this court gives the defendant the following warning "Don't commit Obstruction of Justice again. Consider thyself warned."

The Federal Court thanks all parties involved.

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