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- Apr 13, 2020
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- #1

Welcome to DemocracyCraft! DemocracyCraft, or DC, is a City Roleplay server focused on the player's ability to create, amend, and remove the rules and laws that govern them.
Our server boasts cars, helicopters, a democratically elected government, businesses, economy, among other realistic, life-like features!

Once you join the server, if a guide is online, they will come to you and give you a tour. If there are no guides online, feel free to ask in chat when you see one join or open a Department of Education ticket!

Our staff team is a group of amazing people who are here to help you. Should you have any technical issues, please run /ticket while you are in-game and follow the prompts. If there are not any staff members online, go to the #support discord channel and create a ticket.

The Discord server and the forums are the two main places where announcements are posted. You can apply for government jobs, view our Constitution, and much more on the Forums. To fully view the Forums you need to create an account. On the Discord server, you can get into contact with government departments, make staff tickets, and more!
Forums: DemocracyCraft
Discord: Discord

There are several ways to make money on the server!
- Getting hired by a company
- You can sell materials to player-owned chest shops
- Starting a business
- Real estate opportunities
- Auctions
Guide - Making Money

Chest shops are where you can buy or sell materials from/to players and companies. To buy an item, right click on the sign, and to sell, left click on the sign.
For more information check out the forums page!
Guide - Chest Shops
To secure a job, visit the university by entering the command /university, where you can take the exam for your preferred job.
There are three distinct job categories: trade, professions, and government jobs.
Exams for trade and professional jobs are available at the university, with the exception of the doctor exam. However, for government jobs, you must submit an application on the forums. Access the application page for a specific department with the command /<department name>-applications, for example, /dpa-applications.
For additional information about job types and detailed job descriptions, explore the links provided!
Job Guide - Jobs
Job Guides

On this server, a health plugin enables players to experience sickness and injuries. Monitor your health status at any time using the /health command.
If you fall ill, head to the hospital, located southeast of the spawn point on /dynmap and marked by a heart symbol. Once there, click the sign on the reception desk, and a doctor will attend to you shortly.
The server also offers a Medicare system to cover a majority of your healthcare expenses.
For further details about Medicare, visit the link provided!
Guide - Medicare

Our government consists of three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.
The legislative branch, or Congress, is split into two parts: the House of Representatives (HoR) and the Senate. Representatives in the HoR are responsible for creating legislation, while Senators review and vote on proposed laws.
The executive branch comprises the president, vice president, and cabinet. The president and vice president are elected democratically every four months, leading the government as a whole. The cabinet consists of advisors who oversee various government departments.
The judicial branch encompasses the court system. Citizens have the right to bring legal disputes against each other, with judges presiding over cases and determining appropriate punishments based on the Constitution.
Except for judges and cabinet members, who require presidential nomination and Senate approval, anyone can run for a government position. To participate in an election, simply join the race for a seat through the Department of State's forum post.
For more information about DemocracyCraft's rules and regulations, please visit the designated forum page!
Information - Rules & Laws

Players have the liberty to explore the wilderness, where city rules do not govern. In the wild, you can collect resources, construct bases, and engage in various activities. However, be aware that griefing is permitted in the wild, so ensure your base is region-protected to prevent others from damaging it.
To access the wilderness, use the command /airport and right-click on one of the computer monitors nearby. A menu will appear, allowing you to choose your desired wild destination.
Players have the opportunity to rent and own various plots both in the city and the wilderness. These plots are technically referred to as "regions." Owning a regioned area signifies exclusive possession, preventing griefing by other players. Regioning an area involves modifying its technical permissions so that only you can place or break blocks according to your preferences.
Typically, staff assistance is required for regioning and region-related matters. However, city plots and buildings are subject to inspections by building inspectors under the jurisdiction of the DCT, who ensure compliance with city regulations.
To read more about regioning and eviction rules, please follow these links:
Guide - Plots and Regions (regioning)
https://democracycraft.net/threads/eviction-and-vault-reports.17/ (evictions)

Players are also able to start their own company, once passing the entrepreneur exam in the DEC building, you can also get your company registered with the DEC.
To read more about companies, company commands, and company stocks, please follow this link:

There are four types of in-game chatting: global, local, whisper, and messaging.
- Global can be accessed by doing /g. This chat allows every online player on the server to see what you are saying
- Local can be accessed by doing /l. This chat only allows players who are in close proximity to you to see what you are saying. If you are talking to someone or a group of people who are near you, this is the chat you should be in
- Private messaging, or PMing, can be accessed by doing /msg [player ign]. This only allows the person you are sending this to to read your messages, no matter your proximity.
To view a basic list of commands, please follow the link below:
Guide - Commands
For more player guides, please follow the link below:
Should you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask them in global (/g)!
Guide courtesy of Muffins29; updated by Trentrick_Lamar
Last edited by a moderator: