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  1. Westray

    Executive Order Executive Order 12/22 - Pardon Me Sailor

    By the authority vested in the President under Section 2 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Redmont, I hereby issue the following total and absolute pardons to the following individuals for the specified crimes: The following individuals are hereby granted clemency for the following...
  2. Westray

    Act of Congress Debt Recovery Quick Fix Act

    This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
  3. Westray

    Vetoed Executive Order 11/22 - Creation of Woptopia

    Hello End. Wop will not forget and he will not forgive.
  4. Westray

    Vetoed Executive Order 11/22 - Creation of Woptopia

    I hereby order the establishment of the new town of Woptopia. CREATION OF A 5TH TOWN (1) The 5th town will be created, labeled "Woptopia" (2) The town will be assigned the Legal Industry (3) This town will follow all other guidelines as outlined in previous Executive Orders. MANAGEMENT OF THE...
  5. Westray

    Rescinded Jekyll Island Act

    This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
  6. Westray

    Vetoed Congressional Subpoena Clarification Act

    This bill is hereby vetoed. This bill establishes a hidden process that can be abused, the claim that it is merely clarifying seems misleading. This bill would allow committees to issue subpoenas without the consent of the respective chamber. This would mean that potentially 2-3 individuals...
  7. Westray

    Redundant Executive Order 10/22 - Town Height Extension

    I hereby order the establishment of a new height limit for towns to provide them more autonomy. Given that the government has received consent from server ownership to finally extend height limits for towns, the following change is hereby enacted: With respect to local jurisdictions and...
  8. Westray

    Rescinded Property Fairness Act

    This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
  9. Westray

    Rescinded Property Definitions Foundation Act

    This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
  10. Westray

    Repealed ATM Robbery Act

    This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
  11. Westray

    Vetoed Corporate Taxation Amendment Act

    This bill is hereby vetoed. This bill may have merit in theory but in practice is not feasible. As the Secretary pointed out, this would lead large businesses to seek other ways to evade the higher tax brackets and thus result in less income from these taxes. Closing potential loopholes for...
  12. Westray

    Repealed Warrant Clarity Act

    This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
  13. Westray

    Vetoed Protect Our Democracy Amendment

    This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
  14. Westray

    Bill: Rejected Best Ballot Act

    This bill has been granted assent and may be put to referendum.
  15. Westray

    Repealed Privacy Protection Act

    This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
  16. Westray

    Act of Congress Appropriations Act - MAY 2023

    This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
  17. Westray


  18. Westray

    Pictures of Canadians

    Canada. Home to both of the Ryans.
  19. Westray

    Count to 1,000,000

  20. Westray

    Vetoed Court Fees Act

    This bill is hereby vetoed. While I agree with the nature of the bill, there are a few key issues with it in its current form. Plagiarism and Unrelatable Nature Much of this bill appears to contain clauses copied directly from the US Code. While understandably it might be used in terms of...