Report Congressional Transparency Report (7th to 20th of January)


Former President
Oakridge Resident
President Change Maker Popular in the Polls Statesman
Nov 10, 2020
Transparency Report

Format: Day/Month/Year​


Authorised by~
The Office of the Speaker

Press Assistant Penks


5th Congress Elections
Representatives Elected:
(DRP) 218218Consumer
(DRP) hugebob23456
(DRP) Icypenguin79
(DRP) Intercepticon
(DRP) LilDigiVert
(SPP) 1950minecrafter
(SPP) Olefante
(LRP) partypig678
(LRP) pugbandit

Senators Elected:
(DRP) Jwoodywoo (Resigned)
(DRP) Krix
(DRP) laurenpoo
(DRP) Mhadsher101
(LRP) cjcroft
(IND) JoanM999

5th Congress

Representatives Currently:
(DRP) 218218Consumer
(DRP) hugebob23456
(DRP) Icypenguin79
(DRP) Intercepticon
(DRP) LilDigiVert
(SPP) 1950minecrafter
(SPP) Olefante
(LRP) partypig678
(LRP) pugbandit

Senators Currently:
(DRP) davidiscoolx
(DRP) Krix
(DRP) laurenpoo
(DRP) Mhadsher101
(LRP) cjcroft
(IND) JoanM999


Congressional Affairs from the 7th to the 20th​

Following a vacancy left by Senator Jwoodywoo’s resignation, the House and Senate confirmed DRP candidate davidiscoolx as his replacement. In addition, the following bills opened up to votation in the first Congressional session: the Congressional Wage Reform Act (PASSED), the New Player Demilitarization Act (FAILED), the Bicameral Repair Act (PASSED), the Court Reform Constitutional Amendment (VETOED), the Single Transferable Vote Amendment (PENDING REFERENDUM), the Congressional Amendment Act (PENDING VOTE), the Co-Operatives Act (FAILED), the Constitutional Amendment Act (III) (PENDING REFERENDUM), the Constitutional Amendment Act (IV) (PENDING REFERENDUM), and the Town Freedom Act (VETOED).

The title of all bills in the paragraph above act as links to the bill.

Confirmation of davidiscoolx to the Senate:

After a long period of deliberation in the House of Representatives, Senate candidate davidiscoolx was confirmed 6-0 by the House and appointed to the Senate over former Senator Dusty_3, who gave brief remarks to Congress during the process, to fill a vacancy left by Jwoodywoo’s resignation.

  • Aye: 1950Minecrafter, hugebob23456, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert, Olefante, partypig678
  • Abstain: 218218Consumer, Interception, pugbandit
  • Aye: cjcroft, JoanM999, laurenpoo, Mhadsher101
  • Abstain: Krix

Congressional Wage Reform Act:

Summary: Any legislative change in the wages of members of the House, barring an absolute decrease, may only apply to the next Congress following the next regular election. For example, if Congress were to increase its wages by $10/15 minutes in October 2020, such an increase could only take effect following the November 2020 election during a new term.

  • Aye: 1950minecrafter, hugebob23456, partypig678, Intercepticon, pugbandit, 218218Consumer, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert
  • Aye: JoanM999, Mhadsher, Krix

New Player Demilitarization Act

Summary: (1) No new player shall receive any sort of “Sword” upon joining the server for the first time. (2) No new player shall receive any sort of “Axe” upon joining the server for the first time.

  • Aye: 1950minecrafter, hugebob23456, partypig678, Intercepticon, pugbandit, 218218Consumer, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert
  • Nay: Olefante
  • Aye: DavidxOssoff
  • Abstain: Mhadsher, Krix, laurenpoo
  • Nay: JoanM999

Bicameral Repair Act

Summary: This Act aimed to rewrite many clauses referencing Congress from before the creation of the Senate to update the laws in accordance with the establishment of a second chamber.

  • Aye: 1950minecrafter, hugebob23456, partypig678, Intercepticon, pugbandit, 218218Consumer, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert, Olefante
  • Aye: JoanM999, Mhadsher101, Krix, DavidxOssoff, laurenpoo

Court Reform Constitutional Amendment

Summary: The Court shall consist of 3 Judges that are responsible for presiding over and delivering non-biased verdicts on all lawsuits. The Judges are to be nominated by the President and approved by the Senate.

  • Aye: 1950minecrafter, hugebob23456, partypig678, Interception, pugbandit, 218218Consumer, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert, Olefante
  • Abstain: 1950minecrafter
  • Aye: JoanM999, Mhadsher, Krix, laurenpoo, DavidxOssoff

Single Transferable Vote Amendment

Summary: If no candidate receives an outright majority in the Presidential election, a runoff election shall be held at the soonest time possible in which only the two highest voted candidates shall be listed on the ballot.

  • Aye: hugebob23456, partypig678, Intercepticon, pugbandit, 218218Consumer, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert, Olefante
  • Abstain: 1950minecrafter
  • Aye: JoanM999, Mhadsher, Krix, laurenpoo, DavidxOssoff

Congressional Amendment Act January 2021

Summary: If the Bill has a majority of Ayes but not the majority of the Chamber, meaning that, for example, there are 2 Ayes and 1 Nay, the Speaker will start a new poll that will last 24h and will apply the points 1 and 2 above of this one, and if the results are the same, the Bill is considered rejected, the Speaker will change the Bill status to Bill: Rejected and move it to the Rejected sub-forum.

  • Aye: 1950minecrafter, partypig678, Intercepticon, pugbandit, 218218Consumer, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert, Olefante
  • Nay: hugebob23456
  • Abstain: JoanM999, Krix, DavidxOssoff
  • Nay: Mhadsher101

Co-Operatives Act 2021

Summary: Workers who don’t want to work for others have the right to unite in order to work together and help each other. That’s why we think Co-Operatives should be implemented as they are actually meant for that.

  • Aye: 1950minecrafter, hugebob23456, Olefante, partypig678, pugbandit, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert
  • Abstain: 218218Consumer, Interception
  • Aye: cjcroft, DavidxOssoff
  • Abstain: JoanM999, Mhadsher, Krix, Intercepticon, 218218Consumer

DemocracyCraft Constitution Amendment Act (III) January 2021

Summary: The Government of DemocracyCraft is separated into three arms of Government: the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judiciary.” will be changed to “The Government of DemocracyCraft is separated into three arms of Government: the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judiciary."

  • Aye: 1950minecrafter, Olefante, partypig678, pugbandit, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert, Intercepticon, 218218Consumer
  • Nay: hugebob23456
  • Aye: JoanM999, Mhadsher, Krix, DavidxOssoff

DemocracyCraft Constitution Amendment Act (IV) January 2021

Summary: "The Democracycraft Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it, subject only to such reasonable limits codified within this constitution that are justified in a free and democratic server.” will be changed to “The Democracycraft Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it, subject only to such reasonable limits codified within this constitution that are justified in a free and democratic server. The rights of this constitution cannot be removed unless there's unanimous agreement in both chambers of the Congress and there's at least 80% assent in a public referendum as well as Presidential Assent."

  • Aye: 1950minecrafter, Olefante, partypig678, pugbandit, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert, Intercepticon, 218218Consumer
  • Nay: hugebob23456
  • Aye: JoanM999, Mhadsher, DavidxOssoff
  • Abstain: Krix
Congressmen’s Wage Decrease Act 2021

Summary: (1) The Representatives Wages will be lowered from $30/15min to $25/15min. (2) The Senators Wages will be lowered from $30/15min to $25/15min. (3) The Speaker Wage will be lowered from $40/15min to $35/15 min. (4) The President of the Senate Wage will be lowered from $40/15min to $35/15min.

  • Aye: 1950minecrafter, hugebob23456, Olefante, Intercepticon, 218218Consumer
  • Abstain: partypig678, pugbandit, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert
  • Abstain: JoanM999, Mhadsher
  • Nay: Krix, DavidxOssoff

Town Freedom Act

Summary: Towns should be in control of their own aesthetics. Putting a height cap cuts their legs like prosthetic. They can’t go over 30 blocks for even cosmetics. Towns deserve freedoms, we should be sympathetic. Allow taller buildings outside Hamilton, don’t be pathetic. Vote Nay on this bill, and you’ll regret it.

  • Aye: 1950minecrafter, hugebob23456, Olefante, partypig678, 218218Consumer, Intercepticon, pugbandit, Icypenguin79, LilDigiVert
  • Aye: JoanM999, Mhadsher, DavidxOssoff
  • Abstain: Krix
  • Nay: cjcroft

Notable Statements:

1950minecrafter about davidiscool applying to the congress: 1950: Mr. Dusty_3, I agree with you on the matter of the Senate having to be formed by senior members, but, maybe it's time for new senators to come to the senate. Mr. Dusty has server since the 1st Congress with me, I know he would do as much a great job as he has done until now, but maybe we could give an opportunity to new senators, and I think David is a good option. I would need a different reason than experience to change my vote rn. Again, Thanks, Mr. Dusty for your work, but, unless you give me another reason, I feel I have to vote for David, even if i yield the remain of my time to the chair, I vote Aye for to the candidate davidiscoolx.


If you have any questions please contact Speaker Intercepticon, Deputy Speaker 218218Consumer, or Press Assistant Penks. Thank you for reading.


Office of the
